October 2018

Weather Disasters: Climate Change and the Potential for Conflict

South Africans Peer Down Trump’s World Economic Shithole

America’s Holy Places in the Age of Trump: Greta Ronningen’s Prison Pilgrimage 

Congress Should End US Military Backing for the Saudis’ War in Yemen

Don’t Commodify and Commercialize Montana’s Parks

A Polish Warning for an America on the Brink

Diverting Class War Into Generational War, Again

The Hypocrisy of the United States, Cuba Edition

The Occasional Stupidity of Hope and How, Again, to Learn From Cuba

The Formation of Workers’ Councils in the Abode of the Islamic Republic’s Chicago Boys and the Striving of Democracy Promoter Vultures in Iran

India’s Farmers Plan Mass March to the Nation’s Parliament as Agrarian Crisis Reaches “Civilization Proportions”

One Law to Rule Them All: Thou Shall Not Kill

Argentina in Turmoil

The Big Battle Over Rent Control

Notes on Antisemitism

Grand Canyon – Cheval Sombre & Dean Wareham

Why a Neoliberal Society Can’t Survive

Saudi Killing in an Age of Manufactured Outrage

Fascism Denial Ignores Some Inconvenient Truths

On a Firm Foundation of Mayonnaise: Human and Natural Threats to the Construction of a New Base at Henoko

A Call to Secular Humanist Resistance: Global Humanism for a Safer, Kinder and Better World

Will the War Powers Resolution Rise from the Grave?

The Arms Behind the Invictus Games

No Wonder We’re Screwed

The Climate Crisis is Back in the News

Collapsing Rainforest Ecosystems

The American Taliban

Meet Larry Hogan, Maryland’s Trump

The Law Offices of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe

Joining the 1%

Undoing Patriarchy

America Wants China to Reform Its State-Owned Enterprises to be Market-Oriented: Be Careful What You Wish for!

India’s Me Too Movement: an Interview With Raya Sarkar

Housing Crisis, Mental Health Collective Breakdown, 9 am to 5 am Work!

For Better or Worse, Early Voting is Changing American Elections

The Country’s Most Important Animal Raw Food Producer Has Just Been Put Out of Business by the FDA

The Saudi Blueprint: Arms Sales and Assassinations

Did the Saudis Bury Jamal Khashoggi’s Body Facing Mecca?


Revising Narratives of the Partition of India and October 27th, 1947

The Death Toll in Yemen is Five Times Higher Than We Think…How Much Longer Will We Shrug Off Responsibility?

Brazil, Fascism and the Left Wing of Neoliberalism

Under the Branches of The Tree of Life

Could Trump Bring Down the American Empire?

When It Comes to Having Leaders Who Murder the US is a Pace Setter

Progressives Need a New Internationalist Foreign Policy

Refugees, A Hog Wallow, and the Midterms

Containing CEO Pay

The Legacy of Emmett Till

Two Other Khashoggis in the Middle East