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February 11, 2025
Ralph Nader
A Trumpian Fascistic Coup is Underway—Stop It Before the Terror Starts
Sam Pizzigati
Will the Current Musk Coup Define Our Future?
Christopher Verga
Far-Right and Anti-Government Groups Gain a Foot Hold In New York City Suburbs
Michael Klare
A New Military-Industrial Complex Arises
Phil Taylor – Robin Philpot
Why is Canada Conniving With Trump Against Mexico?
Binoy Kampmark
A Thief’s Mentality: Trump, Real Estate and Dreams of Ethnic Cleansing
Damon Orion
How a Worker Cooperative Is Mitigating the Stray Animal Crisis in Texas
Bill Wasik and Monica Murphy
The Gilded Age of Animal Advocacy: A Transformative Era for America’s Moral Compass
Scott Remer
He Means Business
B. Nimri Aziz
A Fly on The Wall of The Oval Office. (or, A Private Conversation)
Jim Kavanagh
Trump’s Exemplary Gaza Plan
Elliot Sperber
Patriarchal + Idiot = Patriot
Dean Baker
It’s a Lie to Say Republicans Want to Destroy the Federal Government–They Just Want to Get Rid of Things That Don’t Help the Rich
Vuk Bačanović
Montenegro and the Challenges of Global Trumpism
February 10, 2025
Jeff Halper
The End Game: Normalization
Ramzy Baroud
The Great March of Hope: Gaza’s Defiance Against Erasure
Melvin Goodman
The American President is a “Meshuggener”
Jake Johnston
Where Does the Money Go? A Look at USAID Spending in Haiti
Yoav Litvin
The Art of the Steal: Lawless Sheriff Trump Goes Rogue in Gaza
Kent Paterson
Tariffs, the Superbowl and Ecocide
Kathy Kelly
Resisting Riviera of the Middle East
Carole Crumley
The Central Role of Collaboration and Trust in Human Societies
Thomas Knapp
Trump’s Tariff Schemes Hurt Even More When He Flip-Flops
Bernie Sanders
Trump Claims He’s on the Side of the Working Class. Really?
Michael Albert
Appropriate Response
Kary Love
The American Inquisition Cometh
Weekend Edition
February 07, 2025
Friday - Sunday
Jeffrey St. Clair
Roaming Charges: Who’s the Boss?
Michael Schwalbe
The Palestine Exception to Free Speech is Un-American
Ray Acheson
The Time of Monsters
Catherine Rottenberg
The US Shifts From Progressive to Authoritarian Neoliberalism
Stanley L. Cohen
A Sales Pitch for Ethnic Cleansing
Naama Blatman – Neve Gordon
The Right to Remain in the Face of Genocide
Daniel Warner
The End of the United Nations at a League of Nations Moment?
Melvin Goodman
Trump’s Coup Started on Day One and Continues Apace
David Schultz
Trump and Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza
Ron Jacobs
Violence in its Natural State: Palestine’s Moment
James Bovard
Forty Years Bashing the National Endowment for Democracy
Koohan Paik-Mander
As China and the U.S. Race Toward A.I. Armageddon, Does It Matter Who Wins?
Seth Sandronsky
Resisting Trump’s Immigration Policy
Ashley Smith
Trump Seizes Power in DC
Robert Hunziker
The Future of Sea Level Rise with Professor Peter Wadhams
Binoy Kampmark
Why Fly in Europe? The Dark Triumph of the Ryanair Effect
Stewart Lawrence
Kamala’s Loss Echoes Wendy Davis’ Doomed Run for Texas Governor in 2014. Can Democrats Learn?
Dean Baker
Musk is Helping His Friends in the Financial Industry
Rebecca Gordon
A Litany of Horrors in the New Age of Trump
Rick Baum
My Local Union Leaders Reject a Resolution Calling for Equal Pay for Equal Work
Will Solomon
Why Is Vermont Senator Peter Welch Voting for Trump’s Nominees?
George Wuerthner
Saving the Planet With a Fork
Matthew Stevenson
Bucharest to the Ottoman Empire
Medea Benjamin - Nicolas J. S. Davies
Moving from a Doomsday Clock to a Peace Clock
David Yearsley
The Limits of Art
Alci Rengifo
‘No Other Land’ Forces a Reckoning with the Israeli Occupation
Seiji Yamada
Crimes Against Humanity, Past and Present
Evan Jones
The Hasbara’s Foot Soldiers
M. Reza Behnam
Palestinian March of Defiance and Israeli Trashing of International Conventions
Bourgeois Formal Democracy for Now but Could Fascism be the Future?
Ravaging the Soils of Gaza
Blow It Up, Clean It Out, Sell It Off
Biden’s Environmental Record
A Former Danish Diplomat on the Future of Greenland
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