I used the image: “IASI CH4 zonal mean anomaly for 45° N – 60° N referred to 2015-2017” by Leonid Yurganov, of the methane concentration in the atmosphere in the northern temperate latitudes, from years 2010 to 2022 [“From my computer. Methane anomaly in moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere for 0-4 km of elevation measured by two IASI/MetOp devices. The cause of the observed acceleration remains unknown.” — Leonid Yurganov, 11 March 2022], as a proxy for the Average Global Temperature Anomaly (“global warming”). I scaled the section between 2012-2022 to be the same size as an image of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (“stock market”) during the same 10-year period, for a direct comparison. That comparison is shown in the composite image (Temperature Anomaly-DJIA 2012-2022).
The original images I used for this exercise are also shown so you can read the numerical scales and labels of each.
We all know that “capitalism equals global warming,” and the composite image here is just one possible visualization of that reality.