Perhaps we could’ve been
Much less discreet
About dragging garbage
Out into the street
For barricades and towers
Like Simon Rodia’s, in Watts —
But to keep out the cars
And to keep out the cops —
Perhaps not
It’s obvious, replies Democritus
That some things can’t be cut
Squares? They’re abstractions!
You think these exist?
Oh, no, rejoins Plato
Who burns all Democritus’ books
That! Is! The Nomos! Haha!
He says, with a mouthful of baklava
A fact!
The lake lacked
Cause and effect
And the ultimate cause?
Don’t fall in that trap!
Don’t trip
The smoke’s on the horizon
And, it’s closing in
It’s closing out
All things must go
The final fire sale!
Then the inferno
Speaking of which:
Hello Hephaestus
What’re ya clanging the old anvil for
Venus is off with the god of war
It’s rough, but hey
You know about the red orb
The border, the order
The Nomos again! Right?
How will we rupture the cycle?
It may be as simple as burning the bills
Credit score ratings?
Those aren’t real!
Announces Democritus
Watching those three ships drift
And spit sparks
Is it too late
To build plows from cars?
And beat streets into orchards
And gardens?
For, as you know, the funniest part’s:
Cities’ll turn into these either way
Either with our help
Or over the ruins, and over our graves