Trump, in his annual suck-up to the NRA, says that if we have any gun control we will have to ban vans and trucks, the latest weapon of terrorists.
Is he clinically thick? Or just pandering?
Vans and trucks are used all day long for work, to bring goods and services to people, and are in fact heavily regulated by states as those states see fit. Do you not know these things, Donald?
And indeed, go to the White House, where he should be at least once in a while. As someone who has been to DC now and again most years going back decades, the increasing protection of the White House from vans and trucks is significant and observable. It doesn’t take a good guy with a van to stop a bad guy with a van; it takes concrete. Lots of it, impassable barriers. Luckily, vans and trucks don’t have the protection of the Stupid Second Amendment or the National Van Association would be suing the feds or states or cities every time vans were regulated in any way.
Look, children are being shot by guns that are meant for the military. Shot in our schools. How pathetically dumb and immoral do we have to be to refuse to outlaw those military weapons in the hands of civilians, or raise the age of long gun/automatic weapon ownership?
Oh, wait! We need those military weapons to fight the military, the US military, because we never know when the overreach of Donald Trump, the Commander-in-Chief of that very military, will order them to do things that violate our rights or take away our freedoms.
First, really? Trump wants his minions to rise up against him? Because that is the entire rationale behind the Second Amendment. Oh, wait, he is guarding against a future Hillary Clinton, a possible Michelle Obama, a threat of an Elizabeth Warren, or a Kamala Harris, right? I mean, what if some libtard woman steals an election? She would need to be taken out, right? Isn’t that the Tea Party Donald Trump logic?
And so we continue our acceptance of the NRA position. No change to gun laws except some legal challenges that erase any of them wherever they might exist. Shoot kids in schools. Arm teachers. Arm students. Arm everyone. Survival of the fittest. The quick and the dead.
Trump’s American Dream. I call it a lucid nightmare.