Tom H. Hastings

Tom H. Hastings is core faculty in the Conflict Resolution Department at Portland State University and founding director of PeaceVoice

World’s Richest Man Pays to Screw America

Fruits of our Labors

Guerrilla War in Cities and Other Evolutionary Missteps

Acting Like You Own It


Shutdown Showdown

War Crime and Other Redundancies

Arms Deals Are Bad Deals

Evil Gap

Dogwhistling DeSantis

Ceilings, Cliffs, Walls, Falls

Public Health 101: Guns

Bait and switch: It’s the TrumpDeSantis Way

Profits of Doom: Military Contractors Rob Us Daily

Clash: Democracy vs Dictatorship

Hype, Hypocrisy, and Lying to the People

They Never Tire of Abusing Dr. King

Student Debt and Assault Vehicles

An Ounce Upstream

Calling in Virtue


If at First You Don’t Secede

Supreme Suppression

Cross-Generational Power to Change

Father’s lessons

Look to the Right for Corruption

Coarse Culture Resurgent Racism

Big Man Politics, Africa to America

NRA/Trump: Stay the Bloody Course

Crony Corruption in Trumpworld

We Just Say No!

Culture War On

You Want an Infowar, Fine

Those Tax-and-spend Republicans

Stop Trump movement

Leave it on The Table Again?

Turkeys in the White House


Necessity As the Mother of Prevention

Tween Boys and the Fate of the World?

Are We Egypt?

Courting Each Other

Trump Channels Nero

Mad Bombers Just So 20th Century

Lurching Backward

Negative Coattails Good for Senate

Rethinking Killing Civilians

Trump the Pigeon

Manifesting the Worst Old Norms

Your Rights and Our Election