What sort of a man is Al Gore? What’s his real politicalrecord? This is the first unsparing look at the man whom his parentsraised from birth to be president of the United States. Insidethese pages, you will find:
? How Al Gore and his father got on thepayroll of one of America’s most ruthless tycoons, Armand Hammer
? How Al Gore has relentlessly exploited his sister’s deathand son’s accident for personal political advantage
? How Al Gore violated the most basic journalistic ethicsby helping the cops run a sting operation on a black politicianin Nashville
? How Al Gore played midwife to the MX missile
? How Al Gore became a soul brother of Newt Gingrich
? How Al Gore race-baited Jesse Jackson and introduced GeorgeBush to Willie Horton
? How Al Gore shopped his vote in support of the Gulf Warto get prime-time coverage for his speech
? How Al Gore pushed Clinton into destroying the New Deal
? How Al Gore plotted to stop Democrats from recapturing Congressin 1996 in order to keep his rival Dick Gephard from becomingSpeaker of the House
? How Al Gore leached campaign cash from nearly every corporatelobbyist in DC, and broke pledge after pledge to protect the environment
” Al Gore: A User’s Manual, a steal at 23 bucks, lets it rip for 284 pages, covering everything from Gore’s exploitation of his family’s tragedies to his brokered vote in favor of the Gulf War.”
Mugger Smith
New York Press