Mike Hastie

Mike Hastie served as an Army Medic in Vietnam.

Why Many Veterans Terminate Their Souls

Keeping the Horrible Alive

The Legacy of Donald Trump in One Photo

When the Truth Would Dismantle the Whole System

Escalation in Portland

Blinded by the Light: at the Portland Trump Rally

When Truth Exposes the Unspeakable

God, Guns, Bats, and Patriotism

When Homelessness Hits the Wall

What Portland Protesters Think of the Feds

Never Surrender in Portland, Oregon 

The Police Force Stampede in Portland on August 8, 2020 

The Heart of Darkness in Portland

Tear Gas, Beatings and Projectiles in Portland

Homeless in Portland, Oregon 

Not the Way It Was: Spike Lee’s Shallow Film on Viet Nam

Homeless Rage in America

Napalm Sticks to Kids

I Walked Pointless in Vietnam

Vietnam: a History of Denial and Exhaustion

The Purposeful Killing of Civilians in War: Voices From Vietnam 

Insane Truths: a Vietnam Vet on “Apocalypse Now, Redux”

My Lai Massacre, 49 Years Later