Bombs Away: The purposeful killing of Vietnamese civilians,
Cambodian civilians, and Laotian civilians.
You do not bring the enemy to the peace table by just killing military combatants. You ultimately bring the enemy to the peace table by killing innocent civilians.
Because, they are military targets.
The primary goal of the aggressor nation (The USA)is to break the will of the people, and its ability to defend its homeland. This strategy is as old as warfare itself.
Marine Corps basic training cadence chant during the Vietnam War:
Napalm Sticks To Kids
We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,
We do our best to maim,
Because the kills all count the same,
Napalm Sticks To Kids.
Napalm son is lots of fun,
Dropped in a bomb or shot from a gun,
It gets the gooks when on the run,
Napalm Sticks To Kids.
Drop some napalm on a farm,
It won’t do them any harm,
Just burn off their legs and arms,
Napalm Sticks To Kids.
Children sucking on a mother’s tit,
Wounded gooks down in a pit,
Dow Chemical doesn’t give a shit,
Napalm Sticks To Kids.
Millions and millions of Americans watching the Burns/Novick Documentary on “The Vietnam War,” just don’t get the profound pathology of the LIE, and the horrifying conclusions it had on millions of people in Southeast Asia.
Because, they don’t see the deaths, especially the children as they are strung across the landscape of war like they were hanging from a clothes line.
They do not see the reality of war with all of their instincts. They do not see the human waste of children before
they are buried.
Their senses are not flooded with the sights and smells of truth, as opposed to the sanitation of their own propaganda.
Whenever the truth threatens one’s core belief system, there is an urgent need to deny its reality.
It is not just the death of children that concern me, it is the “Look Away” mentality of Americans who pretend it doesn’t exist.
Only adults can prevent this, because children can’t comprehend what is coming.
As Kurt Vonnegut Jr. once wrote:
During the Vietnam War, every respectable artist in this country was against the war. We were all aimed in the same direction.
If you cannot comprehend the deaths of countless children in war, then there will be no adults left to save the innocent.
The Burns/Novick 18-hour Documentary conveniently left this out, because this would not coincide with their words in Episode 1.
The Vietnam War was begun in good faith by decent people out of fateful misunderstandings, American over-confidence, and cold war miscalculation.
Pardon me, now we know why more Vietnam veterans have committed suicide than were killed in Vietnam.
I will close from the book, Kill Anything That Moves, by Nick Turse. These are his words:
Densely populated coastal provinces like Quang Nam, Quang Ngai, and Binh Dinh, as well as the “Iron Triangle” region near Saigon, were among the most heavily bombed areas. The hardest hit was Quang Tri, the northernmost province in South Vietnam. The province’s capital district, saturated with 3,000 bombs per square kilometer, was Vietnam’s single most devastated area. Only 11 of the province’s 3,500 villages went unbombed during the war.
Nick Turse goes on to further state in his book:
400,000 tons of Napalm was dropped in Southeast Asia. In July 1965, for instance, when Americans entered a friendly village in Quang Ngai Province, they were confronted with the stench of burned bodies and the wailing of women. The explanation was simple: a South Vietnamese military outpost had been overrun, and airpower had been called in to deal with the problem. “When we are in a bind like we were here, we unload on the whole area to try to save the situation. We usually kill more women and kids than we do Viet Cong, but the government troops just aren’t available to clean out the villages so this is the only answer,” a U.S. Air Force officer candidly remarked afterward. By the early 1970s, years before the war’s end, South Vietnam’s landscape was already pockmarked with an estimated 21 million bomb craters.
Kill anything that moves.
We shoot the sick, the young, the lame,
We do our best to maim,
Because the kills all count the same,
Napalm Sticks to Kids…