Photograph by Nathaniel St. Clair
The announced ceasefire agreement between Israel and Gaza is reminiscent of the last days of the Carter administration, a time when American hostages were released with Reagan (and his behind-the-scenes machinations) taking credit for ending the hostage impasse. Be on the look-out for Trump to take 95% of the credit.
Between today and the 19th (when full implementation takes place), spoilers on both, the Israeli and Hamas sides, might sabotage the deal. We’ve been there before, ceasefires were agreed to only to be broken, and things have always gone back to status quo ante.
Tragically, Biden could have averted much bloodshed and destruction way when…
The realistic side of me says that, unfortunately, while the patient has been resuscitated, it is a temporary band aid solution. The elephant in the room is Israel’s occupation of Gaza and especially the occupied West Bank, a tiny 22% sliver of historic Palestine taken over by some 700,000 Israeli militant settlers whose biblical claims are aided and abetted by America’s End Time Christian Zionists, AIPAC, and their compadres. Just look at Trump’s ambassadorial (think Mike Hucksterbee) and other appointees, each of whom is an avowed supporter of Greater Israel.
In a manner of speaking Donald Trump, and because of his outright kindship to and outright support of Netanyahu, has been handed a golden opportunity. He could, once and for all, help create a Palestinian state that would end 80 years of bloodletting.
Will he see this as a historic moment? Or, will he, in his pro forma transactional handling of myriad events, perceive this to be another real estate deal in which winners take all?
The Palestinian State (Solution) Delusion, promised by successive US presidents, is at the crossroads of a historic moment.
Perhaps the legal maxim “Justice delayed is justice denied” has never resonated as it has today.
And, while apathetic world leaders give lip service to justice and peace, the masses of the world hold their breath and pray that billions spent arming the world would be spent to alleviate hunger, drought, global warming, disease, and the many plagues looking on the horizon.