August 2020

The American Narrative of Hiroshima is a Statue that Must be Toppled

“Man Attacks Grizzly” and Other Leading Bleeding Stories

State of Pandemic Disaster: Melbourne Moves to Stage Four

Suffrage: The Myth of Sisterphus

Ireland and Slavery: Debating the ‘Irish Slaves Myth’

Native Americans Win Historic Victories in U.S. High Court Rulings

Reverse the New Nuclear Arms Race

Time for an Emergency Charity Stimulus

Conservationists to Federal Agencies: Restore Protections for Imperiled Wildlife in the Flathead National Forest

US GDP Collapses and Economic Rebound Fades

Hiroshima, Nagasaki Survivors Remember

Hiroshima, Technique, and Bioweapons

Black Lives Matter: Resisting the Propaganda of Status Quo Defenders

The Worst Hunger Season Yet to Come: Global Moral Failure in the Time of Covid-19

Ten Years After Lieberman’s “Internet Kill Switch,” the War on Freedom Rages On

Staying on Message: Australia, the US and the AUSMIN Talks

Malaysia’s Arch-Kleptocrat is Found Guilty

The Department of Homeland Security: the Ideal Authoritarian Tool

For Egalitarians, a Sudden Sense of Possibility

The View From Saturn 

Trump’s Alternative

Can Israelis Broaden Their Protests Beyond Netanyahu?

U.S. Cold War China Policy Will Isolate the U.S, Not China

Misleaders at a Funeral: Bill Clinton and Barack Obama Eulogizing Racial Justice in the Name of John Lewis

Why Housing Is a Human Right

How Trump Managed to Lead the World with the Worst Response to the COVID Pandemic

The Battle for Kashmir

Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddam

On the Beauty of Life

The Pandemic Reveals a Europe More United Than the United States

The Government’s Failed Track-and-Trace System is a Disaster for England

The 1 Percent’s Attack on Unemployment Benefits is a Sign of Our Broken Democracy

Why the Idea of Jobless Benefits Scares the Conservative Mind

Eight A-Bomb Haiku

Mohammed Rafi: Singer and Human Par Excellence

Framing Wolves in New Mexico?

Pulling Out of Germany: Trump Adjusts the Military Furniture

Globalization and the End of the American Dream

Ocean Heat: From the Tropics to the Poles

Unsung Heroes of Los Alamos: Rethinking Manhattan Project Spies and the Cold War

Escalating State Repression and Covid-19: Their Impact on the Poor in Kenya

COVID Stimulus Checks Shouldn’t Penalize One-Parent Households

‘Optimism of the Will’: Palestinian Freedom is Possible Now

Another Hiroshima is Coming…Unless We Stop It Now

We Need an Economic Survival Package Not Another Stimulus

Statement From Yale Faculty on Hydroxychloroquine and Its Use in COVID-19

CP+ Information

A Wrong Message for the Pandemic

The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters

Chesa Boudin: Reformer in the San Francisco DA’s Office