Roy Eidelson

Roy Eidelson, PhD, is a past president of Psychologists for Social Responsibility, a member of the Coalition for an Ethical Psychology, and the author of Doing Harm: How the World’s Largest Psychological Association Lost Its Way in the War on Terror (forthcoming in September 2023 from McGill-Queen’s University Press). Roy’s website is he is on Twitter at @royeidelson.

Weaponizing Antisemitism 101: A Back-to-School Special

Guantanamo: An Enduring Stain

The American Psychological Association Takes Another Step—Backward

Censorship at the American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association’s “Psychology PAC” Must Do Better

U.S. Psychology’s Unfinished Journey from 9/11

Black Lives Matter: Resisting the Propaganda of Status Quo Defenders

Silencing Our Veterans: a Bridge Too Far

Give Peace a Chance: Don’t Believe the War Profiteers

Is the American Psychological Association Addicted to Militarism and War?

Get Ready for These Political Mind Games in 2019

Authoritarians, Plutocrats and the Fight for Racial Justice

The 1%’s Mind Games: Psychology Gone Bad

Heart of Darkness: Observations on a Torture Notebook

The Sustaining Fires of Standing Rock: a Movement Grows

Standing Firm for Reform at the American Psychological Association

Fugitive Facts Escape from APA Headquarters

A Psychologist’s Deceptions About Prison Abuse in California

A Psychologist’s Guantanamo Nightmare

Neuroscience, Special Forces and Yale

Dr. Frankenstein and the APA’s Decade of Monstrosities

The Army’s Flawed Resilience-Training Study

Protecting Psychologists Who Harm

Four Psychologists at the Gates of Hell

America’s Overcrowded Cellar