June 2020

Lesser of Two Evils: Chomsky vs. Greenwald . . . and the Ignored Factor

The Second COVID Wave and the US Economy

Amputating Capitalism

Confessions of a White Privileged Radical

Containing the Black Lives Matter Movement: Democrats and Republicans Play Good Cop/Bad Cop

Policing Protest: the Dangers of Media Bias During Urban Uprisings

The Narrative of the Leakers: “Collateral Murder” and the Assange Indictment

Cutting State and Local Budgets is an Attack on the Country’s Black Workers

Was It Only “Fear Itself?”: FDR and Today

Time to Act on Dr King’s Call to Tackle Evils of Racism, Economic Exploitation, and War

Too Many Black Kids in America are Born in Shackles

Our Politics Need a Culture of Atonement

Quashing the Vote

Let Us Name the System: “Racial Capitalism”

Here Comes Your 19th Nervous Breakdown: the Mental State of Donald Trump

Roaming Charges: Nothing But Rednecks for 400 Years, If You Check

The ‘Palestinian Chair’: Exposing Israel’s Direct Role in US Violence

The Israeli Defense Forces is a Misnomer

Why Democratic and Republican Parties Don’t Dare Let the People Decide

Wilderness and Cows

The Paradox of Police Unions

Policing Is Irrelevant for Public Safety—Here Are Some Alternatives That Work

Tipping the Nuclear Dominos

Riots: An All-American Tradition

The Necessity of Rebellion

The Age of Disappointment (Or How the American Century Ends )

Dylan Does Have a Lot on His Mind, But the NYT Didn’t Want to Talk About It

White Privilege: The Psychic Wage, Mass Incarceration and Class Solidarity

Teach Our Workers Well: Open Letter to Governor Cuomo

From the Covid-19 Battle Can Come Unstoppable Citizen Power to Propel “Full Medicare for All” Through Congress

Trump’s Incitement of Police Violence

A Beautiful Movement and Horrible Choices

Interview with a Tree-Sitter

How Workers Can Win the Class War Being Waged Against Them

In Praise of the Floyd Rebellion and Statue Desecration

Higher Education, the Pandemic, Capitalism and Power

Icelandic Noir

Living the Panther Dream – An Interview with Black Panther Party Veteran Member Aaron Dixon

The Political Economy of Covid-19

Twin Histories: Segregation and Police Violence in Minneapolis

Unsimple Twists of Fate in an Election Year, a Pandemic Year, and Year Four of Donald Trump

America’s Intifada Must Dig Deeper

Why Trump Should Resign

Why Killer Cops Go Free

Dirty Details Emerge as to Why Mnuchin is Fighting Congress Over Releasing the Names of Recipients of PPP Loans

Dams Be Gone

Corrupt Propositions: AstraZeneca, Public Institutions and the Coronavirus Vaccine Drive

Barbarism on the Rise: Hunting Mama Wolves and Bears and Their Cubs in Alaska

Reaction in a Time of Protest: Black Lives Matter and Its Critics

Rio de Janeiro: Police Violence and Solidarity