George Wuerthner

George Wuerthner has published 36 books including Wildfire: A Century of Failed Forest Policy

We Can’t Compromise When It Comes to Preserving Wilderness

What a Map Can Tell Us About Greater Yellowstone

Cows in a National Park? How Can That Be?

A National Chainsaw Epidemic

Prescribed Burning: an Overrated Strategy

Deforestration on Deschutes National Forest

No Such Thing as Frequent Fire in Sagebrush Ecosystems

The Forest Service’s Misguided Approach to Wildfires

Lessons From a Record Texas Wildfire

Domestication is the Greatest Threat to Wild Bison

The Gifts of the Snag Forests

Save Wild Bison

Why the Grayling is Going Extinct

Colorado Can Sustain a Large Wolf Population

The Feds Finally Banned the Use of Cyanide Bombs on BLM Lands

Irrigation Vandalism: a Tale of Two Rivers

The Fire Suppression Myth

Sprawling Into the Inferno

The Biggest Threat to Our National Forests? The US Forest Service

The Social Carbon Cost of Public Land Livestock Grazing

The Fire Suppression Myth

Create a Greater Yellowstone National Park

The Logging Juggernaut

Losing Jim Bailey, Wild Bison Defender

Wildfire and California Home Insurance Challenges

The Effects of Wildfires on Aquatic Ecosystems

What’s Wrong With Biomass Burning? Everything!

Toward a Douglas-Fir National Monument

Biden Administration Approves Willow Project and Other Threats to Alaskan Wilderness

Oregon’s Blue Mountains: Opportunities for Carbon Storage and Wildlands Preservation

The Final Nail in the Coffin for Alaska’s Pebble Mine?

Why California Didn’t Burn Up This Summer

Avi Kwa Ame National Monument

Irrigation Withdrawals as Ecological Vandalism

Why the Ambler Road is One of the Biggest Threats to Alaskan Wildlands

Yosemite and Logging in the Park

How Rewilding Could Help Restore Colorado River Flows

A Fool’s Errand: Trying to Influence Fire by Logging

A Bigger Hammer Won’t Stop Large Fires

Good News in the Maine Woods

Montana Doubles Down on Wolf Slaughter

The Holiday Farm Fire and Industrial Logging

Yet Another Misleading Piece on Wildfires From the New York Times

Time to Ban M-44 Cyanide Bombs on Public Lands

Defending the Big Wild: Mike Garrity’s Campaign to Protect the Northern Rockies Ecosystem

The NYT Promotes Logging in Yosemite

A Greater Yellowstone National Park Proposal

The Key Impacts of Livestock Production Upon the Land

Climate Not Fuels Drive Large Blazes

Targeted Grazing: the Latest Magical Solution To Improve Rangeland Health