Moshe Adler

Moshe Adler teaches economics at the Harry Van Arsdale Center for Labor Studies at Empire State College. He is the author of Economics for the Rest of Us: Debunking the Science That Makes Life Dismal (The New Press, 2010),  which is available in paperback and as an e-book and in Chinese (2013) and Korean (2015) editions. Visit the Economics for the Rest of Us channel.

It’s the Lucid Biden Who Worries Me

The Washington Post: Mouthpiece for a Kleptocrat

Tucker or Biden is Not a Real Choice

Teach Our Workers Well: Open Letter to Governor Cuomo

Chinese Intellectual Property Theft:  The Indictment of Huawei Is an Embarrassment

American Workers Should Want to Transfer Technology to China

Subwaygate in NY: Are Two Corrupt Corporations Calling the Shots?

Thinking Twice About Automation: May Day 2017

May Day: a Trade Agreement to Unite Third World and American Workers

May Day: the Time for the 8-Hour-Day is Now

Breaking Down Inequality

Workers and Employers and May Day

Grading Teachers, Failing Kids

Shrinking Wall Street

Scapegoating Teachers

Curbing Oligopolies

Targeting the Post Office

How to Reduce Unemployment, Rebuild the Middle Class and Free Ourselves From Wall Street

China’s Greatest Export

Bailing Out Wall Street Won’t Save Main Street

Everyone Must Share, Not Just Charlie Rangel

Is Cuba Done With Equality?

The Crimes of Microsoft

The Tempations of a Union Boss

Property Seized by Eminent Domain Must Remain Public

The Promised Land

Mayor Bloomberg: Even Worse Than Giuliani?

Poverty in New York City

The New London Case

Corporate Giveaway vs. Eminent Domain

Edwards’ Gambit: Outsourcing War