Louis Proyect

Louis Proyect blogged at https://louisproyect.wordpress.com and was the moderator of the Marxism mailing list. In his spare time, he reviewed films for CounterPunch.

Shattered Lands: A Short History of the Syrian Conflict

Jacobin, Air-Conditioning, and Productivist Nonsense

Eric Blanc, the Finnish Revolution of 1918 and Voting Democrat

The Problem With Milk

How Harper’s Magazine Undermines the Struggle Against White Supremacy

The Unrepentant Marxist Comic Book

Defy the Stranglehold of Social Media, Join the New Progressive Economists Mailing List!

Hedge Fund Devils

Was American Indian Overhunting Responsible for the Near-Extinction of the Buffalo?

Thinking Like an Octopus

How America Got Hooked on Opiods

Hard Crackers: the Revolutionary Legacy of Noel Ignatiev

Corporation as Cult: WeWork’s Wild Ride

Film as Art and Weapon: Raoul Peck’s “Exterminate All the Brutes”

Shattered Lands: A Short History of the Syrian Conflict

The 2021 Socially Relevant Film Festival

A Short History of Uighur Resistance

A Cineaste’s Picks for the Best Films of 2020

The FBI, Fred Hampton and the Mythology of the Panthers

Cuba, Hip Hop and American Imperialism

Two New Films About the Black Struggle in the 60s

The Role of Homophobia in the Counter-Revolution

The Wrong Mank

Paul Robeson, Artist as Revolutionary

The Rise of Black Power in Britain

From AIPAC to the Dogs of Istanbul: the 2020 DOC NYC Film Festival

The Origins of Commercial Capitalism

Gibney Does COVID

Return of the Chicago 7

Can an Eco-Socialist Revolution Save China?

Fascism, Trumpism and the Left

Trump, the Culture Wars and the Left

Myths of the White Working Class

Nature, Science and Revolutionary Struggle

Biden’s Transition Team Isn’t a “Team” and It’s Not Promising Much of a Transition

Russia, Again

Class Reductionism and Environmental Racism

A Virtual Cinema Potpurri

MarxMail 2.0

The Low Magic of Charles Bukowski

Queens Noir

Taibbi, Harper’s and the Intellectual Dark Web

Thoughts on Bayard Rustin Nostalgia

Harper’s and the Great Cancel Culture Panic

Smearing Black Lives Matter…From the Left

Africans at Home and in the Diaspora in Two New Films

Icelandic Noir

Watch This Year’s Human Rights Watch Film Festival Through Video on Demand

Reflections on My COVID-19 Immunity

Does Neo-Feudalism Define Our Current Epoch?