You Still Don’t Know, Do You, Mr. Jones?

A terrible fear is abroad in the land.  The MSM has its thongs in a knot with dire warnings that our democracy is being attacked, subverted, betrayed.  Between Putin and the Russians and Trump and his clowns the cry is that America teeters on the brink of losing our priceless, cherished democracy.

You’re late, people.  Lifetimes too late…

Managing the Great Charade that supports the sanctified dogma that America is a democracy has been the first duty of the Capitalist engine that owns everything, from the Founders down to today’s Imperial goat’s nest.

That democracy never functions and never has, Plato predicted and history confirms.  This, notwithstanding the spin of one of the mightiest social and political reactionaries of all time–Mr. Churchill–that “democracy is the worst form of government known, except all others.”  Hey, it worked for him.

Our own financial upper crust–1% of the 1%–have ingested, along with all our means of production, all organs of public information, and by relentless application have indelibly incised their holy writ in the public soul.  The sadly ignorant public internalized their deception and nourishes itself, for want of any substantial sustenance, on this fatally poisonous fairy tale.

Sham democracy makes inevitable rapid takeover and iron control of the state by its wealthiest, while the helpless, victim demos is cynically urged to validate its peonage by voting for an elite-vetted marionette.  This, and not Exceptionalism, is the real American story.  George Carlin said it’s called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.

The current political bomb cyclone of idiocy and hysteria that has hit us is a direct result of the one positive thing to come from Trump’s election: the rapid exposure and breakdown of the Deep State’s democracy charade.

The Deep State wizards and warriors who reign jointly in the vast, dark throneroom of American Capitalism have seen the moving finger writing and they know, where their hearts should be, that they’ve lost their grip, so they’re circling the wagons around the National Security apparatus.

Their current and only ploy strategically is to use the flagging mojo of the worthless Democratic Party to enlist its corps of lockstep “liberals” and “progressives” behind a crusade to rid our suckered country of Trump.

An admirable goal; a consummation devoutly to be wished.  Trump is the personification of putrid human rot and, in a sane nation, he could never have surfaced from the social cesspool.  He is also beside the real point.

Trump exists solely because the Deep State–the vicious cabal of Money Masters who own and run our country–has so flagrantly betrayed the citizenry it blathers of protecting that they’re not buying it any more.

In the humiliating inadvertant striptease now baring the ugly body of that odious machine, two facts are clear: that the Deep State is the command and control center of both whoring parties, and that within that sinister Shogunate there is total unanimity on the indispensibility of Imperialist war.

The fatuous, baseless Putin/Russia demonization sold to the Democrat’s vacuous herd has converted what was once a mild, timid resistance to Deep State repression–to the Patriot Act; to NSA spying on us; to FBI criminal villainy, and Justice Department sleaze–into zombie cheerleaders for perps of the illegal, unconstitutional crimes they historically opposed.  What’s the big deal in trashing the Bill of Rights if it’ll shitcan Trump, right?  Principles are to be rigidly adhered to when they work for you and only abandoned when they don’t.  In this radical conversion, Democrats have effectively taken over as the leading political edge of the Deep State.

So, say they lose him.  Doubtful, and impeachment won’t play.  Via Article 25, maybe?  Enter, the unfinished gingerbread Christofascist.  Will he suit Deep State puppeteers better?  But, why bother?  Unsupported, isolated, they have Trump where they want him already.  They can keep banging on their noxious tar baby–hobbled and gelded, chained like an organ grinder’s monkey–while the pilots in the wheelhouse steer the course they choose.

Sleepers awake.  Forget losing the democracy you never had.  What should horrify you to the depth of your soul is that the Deep State, though gut-punched, is aroused, and that monster, now without mask or makeup, is bound and determined to rule, and steer us all toward terminal disaster.


Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at: