December 2015

Putin’s Progress in Syria Sends Kerry Scampering to the United Nations

Aylan’s Shoes

Christmas Presents for the 1 Percent?

Can Genetically Engineered Salmon Really Help Feed the Hungry and Save the Planet?

Rackets Science: the Influence Peddlers Protection Act of 2015 (H.R. 2029)

The War on Christmas, or How to Build Mass Support for Right-Wing Ideology

Clinton Lies (Again)

Federal Court Gives Blessing to Cross-Border Tar Sands Pipeline Expansion

An Idiot’s Guide to Why They Hate Us

American Muslims “Sue the Bastards”

Imperial Arrogance: Tony Blair, Qaddafi and Torture

The New Spain: Between Uncertainty and Hope

Senate Passes Bill Expediting Fossil Fuel Extraction on Native American Lands

Climate Deniers are More Dangerous Than Trump and More Deadly Than ISIS

Iran’s Economy

Trump vs. Sophie Scholl: Lessons in Courageous Resistance

The Digital Dark Ages: Movies and Books Get Deleted as Selfies Pile Up

Gaza in Ruins

New World Order—Same Old Crimes

The Chipotle Promise

Colombian War May End Soon: FARC and Government Agree on Victims

Management’s Biggest Lie

Caleb Maupin – Episode 27

The War for the British Labour Party: Re-selecting Socialism

Flowers From Guantanamo

A Contemplation of Ends and Means

Has the Time Come for Democratization of the Economy?

Adding Up the Broken Souls

Structural Repression: America’s “Soft”-Fascism

The Permanent War State

Mumia Abu-Jamal Gets Federal Court Hearing

If [Fill in the Blank] Becomes President

What the Women of Berlin’s Rosenstrasse Protest Can Teach Us About Trump

Why the Israeli Occupation is Failing

Why Star Wars: “The Force Awakens” is a Parable That Supports US Empire

Into the Mythic

Is Patton Oswalt a Wealthy Socialist Hypocrite?

The American Media: Pandering to Bias and Ignorance

Trump Versus Clinton: First Presidential Debate, 2016

Black Lives Do Not Matter

A Sacrificial Rahm? Mayor 1%, Racist Policing, and Metropolitan Disorder

The French Regional Elections: the Gang of Three

The Attack of the Nuclear Hucksters

The Vexing Presence of Religion in Public Life

Who Owns the Federal Reserve Bank and Why is It Shrouded in Myths and Mysteries?

The Tradition of Charity

Christmas, the System and I

The Danes Saved More Than 7,000 Jews . . . Would We?

The IAEA’s “Final Assessment”

Chris Matthews Is a Shrieking Hypocrite