Chuck Collins

Chuck Collins directs the Program on Inequality and the Common Good at the Institute for Policy Studies, where he also co-edits

Fossil Fuel Billionaires are Cashing In on Trump

Billionaire Round-Up, 2024

How Billionaire Investors Are Disrupting the U.S. Housing Market

801 U.S. billionaires hold a combined $6.22 trillion in wealth

Love the Music, Taylor, But Please Park the Private Jet

Private Jet Excess Doesn’t Justify Airport Expansion

60 Years After the March on Washington, Black Economic Inequality Persists

Tax the Fat Cat Private Jet Class, Invest in Green Transit

How the Getty and Walton Families Use Trusts to Dodge Taxes

Making Earth the Shareholder

Cracking Down on Russian Oligarchs Means Cracking Down on U.S. Tax Havens

America’s Inherited Wealth Dynasties Park Trillions Out of Reach of Taxation

Taxing the World’s Richest Would Raise US $2.52 Trillion a Year

Phil Knight’s Big Tax Dodge: A Q&A With Tax Attorney Bob Lord

U.S. Billionaires are Now $2.1 Trillion Richer Than Before the Pandemic

Inside the Pandora Papers

The Simplest Way to Fund Infrastructure

Global Billionaire Pandemic Wealth Surges to $5.5 Trillion

Billionaire Pandemic Wealth Gain Could Pay For Biden’s American Families Plan

How America’s 50 Largest Inherited-Wealth Dynasties Accelerate Inequality

Family Offices: Trillion Dollar Pools of Unregulated Capital You Haven’t Heard About

A Third of U.S. Billionaire Wealth Gains Since 1990 Have Come During Pandemic

Who are the 10 Biggest Pandemic Profiteers?

American Philanthropy: the Wealthier the Donor, the Bigger the Taxpayer Subsidy

Time for the Warren-Jayapal Wealth Tax

Nomadland: The Impact of Gender-Bias in Wages

The Drive for a Wealth Tax in Washington State

How Concentrated Wealth Wrecked the West: Six Question for Justin Ferrell

Celebrating the Passage of the Corporate Transparency Act

Facing Holiday Rush, Frontlines Retail Workers Urge Billionaire Bosses to Share the Wealth

The Worst Part of Trump Paying Zero in Taxes? It’s Probably Entirely Legal

You Paid More in Federal Income Taxes Than Trump

FinCen Files Shine Spotlight on Suspicious Bank Transfers

Fair Tax Solutions for Cities Facing Covid-19 Budget Crises

Move Charity Dollars to the Front Lines

As 42.6 Million Americans File for Unemployment, Billionaires Add Half a Trillion Dollars to Their Cumulative Wealth

“Sorry We Missed You”: Ken Loach Exposes the Holes in the Gig Economy

Why the US Would be Better Off With Fewer Billionaires

Boston One Step Closer to a Luxury Real Estate Transfer Tax

Who is Buying Seattle? The Perils of the Luxury Real Estate Boom

Tax the Rich Before the Rest

Ending the Generational Abuse of Student Debt

A Cure for Excessive Wealth Disorder

Bring Back Eisenhower Socialism!

Bernie’s Plutocracy Prevention Act

Shutdown Expands the Ranks of the “Underwater Nation”

The Wealth Hiding in Your Neighborhood

My Advice to High School Grads: Learn a Trade

Business Leaders Agree: Inequality Hurts The Bottom Line

College for All: a California Trend Worth Catching