Christopher Ketcham

Christopher Ketcham writes at and is seeking donations to his new journalism nonprofit, Denatured.  He can be reached at  

Eat, Pray, Pollute: On The Needed Death of Tourism

The Unbearable Anthropocentrism of Our World in Data

Clowns to the Left of Me, Fascists to the Right

BLM, Get Your Hands Off Calf Creek Falls

The Music of the Waters

Ruling Class Death Images

The Forest Nearest Me

Letter to an Ecosaboteur

Energy is Eternal Delight

The Sane Society?

Let’s Blow up Luxury Emissions

Cities and Green Orthodoxy

Wreckreation, Public Lands, and the Fecal Timebomb

Cancel Rent and Stop Playing the Landlord’s Game

The Beagle in Me, the Child in Snoopy

The Call for an Extinction Rebellion

The Medium Warps the Message Straight to Our Extinction

Ode to the Drums of Ginger Baker

Solitude and the Love of the Human Race

Instagram Apotheosis!

The American West as Judeo-Christian Artifact

This Land Was Your Land

The Journalist as Hemorrhoid

A Walk in the Woods, Away from the Screens

Build in a Fire Plain, Get What You Deserve

New Information from Trump White House Insider

Cooking Show Suicides and Other Inanities

The Misanthropy of Wild Wild Country

Goodbye Facebook, and Screw You Too

Spanksgiving Day Poem

New Research into Grizzly Bears and Homo Sapiens Pataguccus Cuntus

The Coyote Hunt

Buddhism in the Storm

Screenlandia and the Mass Man

On Getting Lost: a Premonition of Hope in the Catskills

Above the Law: On the Prospects of Prosecutorial Reform

Extinction, the New Environmentalism and the Cancer in the Wilderness

Truth and Christmas

Free of the Deadly Internet!

Beware the Mormon in the Grass

Obomney vs. Romobama

Facebook and the Degradation of Personhood

The Liberal Gun Nut

9/11 Funtown Action Theme Park

All Hail the Draft!

Arianna Huffington as Parasite

Night Walking Canyonlands

TV Toxicosis

No Good Men Left Here

The Rise of a Green Tea Party