July 2018

Eric Garner’s Family Still Seeks Accountability

Trump Kills Science, Nature Strikes Back

Trump & The Big Bad Bugs

Calculated Buffoonery: Trump in the UK

Ken Burns’ “The Vietnam War” was Nominated for an Emmy, Does It Deserve It?

Truth, Trump and the Washington Post

Have Mueller and Rosenstein Finally Gone Too Far?

An Insatiable Salesman

Oil Underground in Neuquén, Argentina – and a New US Military Base There

The Politics of Cruelty

The United States of Inequality

Human Rights Trumped

Putin’s Football Gambit: How the World Cup Paid Off

Chomsky on the Trump NATO Ruse

Fighting Fake Stories: The New Yorker, Israel and Obama

BRICS From Above, Seen Critically From Below

Helsinki Theatrics: Trump Meets Putin

This Sahara Railway Is One of the Most Extreme in the World

Can We Learn from Heinrich Himmler’s Daughter? Should We?

World Trade War Has Begun

Trump Turns to Gaza as Middle East Deal of the Century Collapses

Undermining Trump-Putin Summit Means Promoting War

The Lydda Death March and the Israeli State of Denial

Trump Stomps Britain

“Not Enough!”

The Fisherman of Sarajevo Told Tales Past Wars and Wars to Come

Kirstjen Nielsen Just Wants to Protect You

Trump Knows That the US Can Exercise More Power in a UK Weakened by Brexit

The Best Deals are the Deals that Develop Peace

When Did Russia Become an Adversary?

Franklin Lamb, Requiescat in Pace

Three Climatic Monsters with Asteroid Impact

Korea After the Handshake

Soft Brexits and Hard Realities: The Tory Revolt

A Letter For Scarlett JoManDaughter

The American Oligarchy: A Review

Militarized Nationalism: Pernicious and Pervasive

Liberal Massachusetts and Recreational Marijuana

President Trump’s Useful Idiocy

Correcting The Record: What Is Really Happening In Nicaragua?

The Invisible Class: Workers in America

Dispatch From Haiti: Trump and Breastfeeding

Europe’s Iron Curtain: The Refugee Crisis is about to Worsen

Will Those Killed by NATO 19 Years Ago in Serbia Ever Get Justice?

Is ISIS About to Lose Its Last Stronghold in Syria?

Roaming Charges: In the Land of Formula and Honey

A Fraught Century

The New McCarthyism: Is the Electric Chair Next for the Left?

Ireland’s Intellectuals Bow to the Queen of Chaos 

Imperial Gangster Nations: Peddling “Democracy” and Other Goodies to the Untutored