‘Yeah, just great. I’m part of a pattern in someone else’s head’
WUSA. (1970)
Globalization recognizes no boundaries or barriers to ‘Free Trade’ concerning the arbitrage of Labor towards reduction of the World as ‘Once upon a Time’ had numerous Nation States as opposed to ‘homogenized’ Geopolitical masses incorporated culturally, politically and economically – and subjugated to a unified command structure in the interests of profit maximization by Global Corporations and the attendant transfer of resources from the vast majority to a small minority; such the power bloc?
The prescience of Orwell articulated this particular scenario of Western World Incorporation as ‘Oceania’ -which has always been at war…
Globalization has no room for ‘variety’ of Nation States – because ‘variety’ has a price, and as such is a cost which can detract from the ‘bottom line’ which is all important as concerns the pragmatism of ‘hegemony’; the pathway so accordant being reduction towards the lowest common denominator by way of ‘outsource’ – why pay whole dollars per hour when mere cents will do- and every little cent vital when it comes towards the extraction of profit?
Why not have a marauding army of economic migrants to ensure same?
A surplus to requirements leads towards required ‘austerity’ as antonym of ‘Globalization’ meaning further transfer of resources from poor to rich?
The fact is that Corporations can, and do, such the pathological compulsion in their ‘quintessence’ as explicated by Bakan, abuse economic power in the provision of employment opportunities by such strategies as threatening to ‘re- locate’ and hence cease to ‘contribute’ to local economies such the ‘variety’, and in the United States at least can point politically to such Industrial wastelands as the former ‘Motor City’ of Detroit -with the sub text : ‘do you want this to happen to your State’?
In the small print of such sub text, the devil being in the detail so it goes, are the political provisos of ‘pork’ or the ‘horse trading’ which can realise the divide and conquer methodology on basis of which ‘political representatives’ as machines incorporated can claim ‘success’ as austere – even though such can mean a reduction of revenues for the local economy concerned and ‘represented’ politically, e.g. by way of tax breaks or up front incentive payments as contribute ultimately to the death of particular ‘Statehood’ in sense of sovereignty and the right to economic variety reflecting the will of the communities so represented being non- existent in a ‘Free Market’?
Render unto Caesar?
(The question mark is apposite as in this instance these small quarters are not playing the role of Devil’s advocate, so, a ‘Never question me!’ arrogance is not apposite. Still there shall be a ‘reductio ad absurdum’ in the attempt)
‘You either get it or you don’t’ so it goes…)
The second ‘thing’ to be understood about Globalization and America follows on logically from the first as proposed above, such the cruelty of the inevitable on premise of where marginal costs equal marginal revenues – and it is that to such logic the most profitable form of ‘economy’ is what has been referred to as a ‘concentration camp’; whereby externalisation of costs attains optimal status, and where human beings are reduced to no more than assets to be sweated as per utilisation ratio – and ‘surplus’ serves as the basis of fear form of the key to control and manipulation. This before ‘recovery of costs’ rears its ugly head?
For Globalists the ‘ideal world’ is one where assets are cheap and readily replaceable, and every need is incorporated towards a source of profitability to the replacement of a provision by State which was formerly viewed as a public service –and so become a liability?
There are no public services in a concentration camp as ‘opportunity costs’ have determined them to be ‘non viable’; public service provisions eat in to the externalisation of costs necessary to extract the maximum profit in the equation of the transfer of resources from State (Public) to Corporations (Private) – in an ‘ideal’ world as per the pathology of the ‘Globalization Vision’ every need is a potential source of profit, down to the very air as is necessary for human assets to exist, or rather subsist, such the economic warfare – this before such needs as water and food and shelter are considered, or even where there is the point of bullets to be paid for execution and graves to be dug, or bone meal as fertilizer can exist by way of recovery of costs, let alone there be consideration of ‘Soylent Green’?
To paraphrase POTUS 43 ‘never misunderestimate the depravity of Stateless Bastards’.
‘Globalization’ is an Economic Warfare waged by Scorched Earth Corporatists with a ‘love’ and understanding of money as a belief inflicted on Humanity, and where said Corporatism entails the abrogation of Humanity in favour of the concept of profit as has no room for ‘Community’ let alone ‘Society’ – and this, in a context of ontology of scorched earth ‘long before’ on the pathway of tragedy as leads towards the concept of sovereignty in context of State being assassinated ; this the reason for the death of the ‘Left’ as a Political Force, which as to the opinion of these small quarters should be a ‘Force Majeure’, sense of Democracy prevailing -and ‘distortion’ of language aside ?
Which brings towards contemplation of the demise of the left wing promise; so marginalized from public debate in the Western World as currently Corporatist by way of the imposition of Orthodoxy, a promise as was clearly represented for these small quarters by the writings of Andre Gorz: most particularly in his ‘Farewell to the Working Class’.
A true Utopian in an age of the Dystopian, such the embrace of hope, Gorz ‘reconfigured’ as an apperception the Marxist concepts detailed in ‘The Grundrisse’ towards being a ‘Liberation’; Technology was to serve Man under some realization of Democratic Republic (are the two terms synonymous?) : and ‘We’ – in denial of Zamyatin’s exposition – were to become free in a technologically facilitated ‘Age of Leisure’ where mere machines serve Man, such the ascendant control of the ‘Dialectic’ denying the antonym – and there was to be accordant a distribution of resources whereby ‘slavery’ was subjugated as a concept to machinery – as opposed to the Dystopian of Man serving machinery, such the abrogation entailed – and such the ‘Globalization’ as currently prevails?
These small quarters write for Man, not for a ‘machinery’ as has come to demand an ‘apperception’ such the Orthodoxy; as in stenography to Hegemony, such the combine as packages ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’ to mere Consumerism?
‘Big Brother’ or ‘Big Sister’ may be watching, such the PRISM as in the optics of a ‘Panopticon’ – but who gives a damn?
Evident the e-mail address at ‘Yahoo’ of these small quarters?
The reduction of ‘mainstream media’ under Orthodoxy to a ‘chorus’ of apoplexy against Truth and the propagation of illusion unchallenged is one tragedy of rage- such the polymorph as any tree blowing in the wind knows?
We do not exist under Fear, such the Valley of Death as Corporatism represents, as would not be reduced to subsistence as a pattern of Orthodoxy?
‘Please Sir, can I have some more’?
‘Mistah Kurtz -’ he dying?
That ‘Globalization’ is no more than a con job befitting mere Gangster, such the racket expressive of the Zeitgeist so degenerated by small ‘individual’ acts of assassination seeking to achieve a ‘Gestalten’?
Have we come so far as that mere intimidation thru debt is to make us forget who we really are?
Or that the gift as was given was unconditional such the benign nature of philanthropy true has been declined thru abrogation?
To the account of those who matter most, such the illusion?
Is this ‘Politics’ as we have come to know it?
Has Democracy disappeared down the ‘memory hole’?
In other words: Globalization as an Economic Warfare is no more than a racket; a transfer of resources on the basis of ‘money for nothing’ as would be realized in the control and issue of a currency by way of the ‘love’ of money so degenerate as to subjugate Sovereignty of State or Nation to a unified command structure of homogenization such the extrapolation of a covenant as would so decry the morality of ‘Politics’ towards immorality such the sufferance imposed by way of demand?
Money changers as Usurious; ubiquitous in the ram of ‘blood sucking funnel’ as entails a rigging of the ‘game’ by ‘Vampire Squid’?
And this to say nought of the decline, such the illusion embraced, of the production/consumption cycle whereby profit realized as falsehood under ‘Capitalism’ become Corporatism in the degeneration, whereby those of Globalist disposition as a euphemism must state their loyalty – and so give rise towards one variant of ‘Sic transit Gloria Mundi’?
The Democratic majority must first fall under such spell as a curse which would be unseen such the degeneration of Politics as Globalization represents, and the price of such fall as would be seen as deliberative under the small minority to be no less than ‘Ecocide’!?
‘Intimations of such mortality’ occurring by way of unemployment, underemployment, homelessness, poverty as polymorphous – and a prevalence in general of ‘denial’?
Encapsulated under the necessity so propagated of ‘Austerity’?
There are no public services in a concentration camp- as much as there is a fatality in ‘Consumerism’; much as there a degeneration demanded by Corporatism, or as much as a single currency controlled by ‘private interests’ entails a service rendered unto evil – much as there can be a polarization where opposites are seen clear in realization of a spectrum.
Pathology may mean denial, but such is not Truth?
The ‘Left’ in Politics is not dead, it is only awaiting a destiny?
Our ‘Age of Leisure’ beckons; such as how sweet it is to be loved, indeed.
Or as is more pertinent the exposition particular- how sweet it is to be able to love?
Much as concerns: ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness’?
Reading from the small print as would be so small as to be illegible as to be rendered impossible to comprehend yet rendered day to day practicable politically is to see the ‘game’ of Globalization; ‘Mainstream media’ explicates such pragmatism by way of denial – the main reason for feeding any People ‘shit’ is to perpetuate the control and manipulation of a mere Panopticon; the tragedy is that ‘Human Beings’ can be bought and become lost to their Humanity as a God given gift by way of Corporatism demanding ‘Freedom’?
What Stateless Bastards fear most is Truth; as such their evil is then become explicit?
Apropos, the current ‘austerity’ is a manifestation of a ‘defense mechanism’ whereby political representation is also become austere – think of the ‘hope and change’ as promised by the CIA creation a ‘tube’ such as Barack Obama represents – and what has become of such by way of reality?
There have been no Presidents of the United States since JFK?
Disparity between illusion and reality exists to be denied by way of pathology as would be viral, sense of ‘ubiquitous’?
As you read contemporaneous, what would go down ‘under the radar’ is another ‘Free Trade Zone’ as parallels ‘Free Speech Zone’ such the ‘Doublespeak’ as brought to you, or not as the case may be, concerning the secret negotiations surrounding the final sell out of American Sovereignty by way of another harmless TLA, or three lettered acronym, such as would go ‘TPP’?
The war which Globalization represents is something ‘they’ would have you not know about, because America is to be fast tracked further as mere muscle; while the brains of the outfit of Globalization remain Zionist- and ultimately America is to be cast aside having served its purpose?
As parasitism goes, Globalization is truly necrotrophic.
‘Ecocidal’ in point of fact towards congruence with the Luciferian dimension of ‘moral economics’ – or ‘Politics’ as we have come to know it, alas?
As no less an American than Pynchon stated perspicacious concerning one vital aspect of true austerity:
‘If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don’t have to worry about the answers.’
-Now that’s genuine ‘Illumination’?
Or then, do you prefer ‘happenstance’, so it goes?
Stephen Martin can be reached at: stephenmarti@yahoo.com