Tom H. Hastings

Tom H. Hastings is core faculty in the Conflict Resolution Department at Portland State University and founding director of PeaceVoice

Your Rights and Our Election

Pivot to Peace

Commemorate the Good September 11

The Problem With Tax and Spend Politicians

Hey, ISIS, We Need to Talk

Ending the Dance with Death

The Meaning of BLM


Our Race to the Bottom

A New Declaration of Independence

Get to Work or Wait for the Voters’ Verdict

Time for a Nonviolent Assault on Our Blood-Stained Congress

Eliminate the Second Amendment and Keep Your Guns

Field Report from the Dick Cheney Hunting Instruction Manual

Yes to Assertive, No to Aggressive

We Live or Die Alone and Together

Pentagon’s War on the Earth


Bloodless Occupation

Cruzing for love

You Say ISIL, I Say ISIS, Let’s Call the Whole Thing Off

ISIS and Changing the Game

What is Nonviolence Anyhow?

Unarmed Cops and a Can-do Culture of Nonviolence

Another Mass Murder

Too Broke to Pay Attention


Defending Democracy

Seven Decades is Enough

Worst Response to Injustice (Except For All the Rest)

Interest Groups, Special and Public

Ending Gun Violence

Homage to a Beheading Royal?

Dear America: It’s Over

Department of Ironic Defense

Witness to War Crimes

When Hearts and Minds are War-Torn

Now That We Are Saved

Eliminating Terrorism

The Price Tag for the Libyan War

Was Fukushima Too Big to Fail?

Stop All Military Aid

The Boehner Blitz