The confusion’s so vast
And so complex
It’ll get you if it hasn’t yet
If you forget
The point
What’s that?
We do not know
The point is that
We don’t know
We must be careful
In the Mysterium
Where faith is mere delirium
Doubt’s what brings the truth about
The ultimate, the end, the beginning
With Adam in the garden
Adam in the chasm
In the chaos, which
Means emptiness
The empty lung of panic as
John Adams, Laws Not Men,
Explains to Washington:
“Eve means life
And Adam means earth
And Adam and Eve
Did not have to work
In Eden, but did
Once evicted
That is
When Adam transformed
Into George
For George means earth
Too — Geo, you know?
With the added dimension
Of Ergon — work
Geo ergon, George, that is
A worker of the earth
Of which there are two types:
The work that’s comprised of caring
for Earth, and the other,
And exploiting it, right?
That’s you, George, with your plantation
That’s where you fit into this
Prying the teeth
From the jawbones of your slaves
Devourer of villages
As the Susquehanna called ya
George, the turd
The tyrant George
The George of the Nomos
Not George of the Logos”
“Oh yes, I hate that King George too.”
“No,” said John
That George is you”
“Me? But don’t they see
That it was war?
And didn’t they see
Me surrender my sword?
And my celebrated anti-kingly precedent
When I declared:
Just call me Mr. President?
As opposed to your excellence
Then stepping down after two terms?
Didn’t I
Denounce all kings and tyranny
And didn’t I emancipate my slaves?”
“You did that, yes,
Though just after your death.”
“Well, Jefferson didn’t even do that!
But let’s not bring him into this
Or is it now too late?
Let me just crawl
Back in my grave.”
“No, George, I’m afraid
We’re not quite through here yet.
Remember our physician?
He drew a sharp distinction
Between the revolution
And the war of independence
The former, argued Benjamin Rush,
Would follow the war,
as true peace does
And rearrange society
In order to support
Not the mere general welfare
But the flourishing of peace
Emancipating not just slaves
But all from the slave brain of fear
That launches us, all panicked,
Into the realm of the Nomos
With its scapegoats, exploitation
There can’t be peace until we’re free
From all of this stupidity
Not just emancipation
From the privation of privatization
From swords
And landlords and hoarders
And borders
But changing the conditions
To those of the physician
Healthy housing, water, food
Just like back in Eden
The doubt that leads to carefulness
And care for the other
Care for the neighbor
That’s the true foundation
of the law
Whose observance
Leads to Eden
Growing back about us all