The bombs are falling
Trump’s taking Greenland
By force of course
It’s a crime —
Or maybe it’s not
Let’s ask Alito, see if he thinks so
Maybe he’ll find
It’s necessary for the pipeline
Pipe that melting ice
To the golf clubs of Nevada,
Refill the Ogallala
And don’t forget Oprah
Who alone needs millions of gallons
A month – Oh no
They won’t be painting
Their front lawns green
From now on
If the question’s: no green lawn?
The answer is: Greenland
Anschluss? Aggression?
What’s the difference?
Trump wants Greenland
and Canada, too
Both are products
of imperial conquest
So who are they to talk?
No, the only question’s
What does Jesus want?
And Jesus wants flags
Emblazoned with stars
One can be a maple leaf
To mollify the hockey freak
Why not?
Jesus says come on
Give unto Caesar
And follow the big cross
The golden T
That symbol of mass
State-sanctioned murder
And pray to Jesus
He’s really far out
Or as they say in Latin: ex-treme
Know what I mean?
Jesus says: colonize Greenland
Send us all your debtors
They’ll welcome us as liberators
Donald’s no prevaricator
Your homeless, your immigrants
Yearning to breathe free
Greenland can be
The greatest penal colony
Jesus says
Greenland is beautiful
This time of year
And reindeer I hear
Goes great with beer
Jesus says pig out
Jesus says stand
For the pledge
Burn that book!
Uh oh, you didn’t say Jesus says
Jesus says:
Shoot your dog
In the ditch
Jesus says:
Shoot that kid
The whole classroom
Blow up all the schools
Vaporize the hospitals
It’s right there in the Bible
Jesus Christ, Jesus sighed
Jesus don’t mind genocide
If commanded
By my dad
Kill all the Amorites
Get rid of the meek
And, tell me, who will be
The Amorites this week?
Jesus says: yes! to nuclear weapons
Jesus says no to peace
Jesus says punishment is good
Spank me
Turns the other cheek
Love your neighbor
Help the poor
All that claptrap
Jesus never said that!
Jesus said: get a job
Give it to Caesar
Get off your ass
Shit in the river
Slice up those buns
Grill them with onions
And drink my blood
What’s the problem?
You don’t drink blood?
It’s not halal?
It’s not kosher at all?
You don’t want to be a cannibal?
Spill blood, drink blood
Let’s honor tradition
Jesus says: let’s go to Greenland
Let’s drill, baby
Suck it dry
Jesus says: go pump my well
Serve the rich,
or go to hell
And boy oh boy
Will you enjoy
The real estate boom
Boom boom
The bombs are falling
on Panama, too
Of course it doesn’t make sense
His are mysterious ways
You’ve got to have faith these days
Jesus says
Then you’ll go to heaven
Up beyond the stars
First we’ll colonize Greenland
Next, we’ll colonize Mars