Common Clay

Common Clay

Our only light is light of common day
So do not give us God’s eternal light
Our only work is work with common clay
So when the bosses condescend to say
For us, dictating what is wrong and right
Tell them the right is light of common day
And while the rich their idleness display
While our broken hands blister day and night
Tell them our work is work with common clay
When patriotic preachers kneel and pray
God’s speed as bombers set the land alight
Tell them we’ll pray for light of common day
When the fires rage in jungles far away
And rising smoke eclipses human sight
Embrace the land and heal with common clay
And when the fascist crimes assault the day
No longer skulking, hiding in the night
Then we will fight in light of common day
And work to shape and lift the common clay

John Snider is a retired English professor and lives in Ashland, Wisconsin. He can be reached at