On Thursday, August 22, 2019, the Resolutions Committee of the Democrat’s National Committee (of Super-delegates) voted 17 to 8 against the possibility of a debate between their presidential candidates focussed on climate change. That means that slightly over 2/3rds of the Resolution Committee opposes such a debate.
On Saturday, August 24, 2019, the DNC (of Super-delegates) voted 222 to 137 against having a forum ( instead of a debate) focussed on climate change. That means that just under 2/3rds of the DNC opposes the presidential candidates gathering to discuss climate change.
At about the same time, Nina Turner, one of Bernie Sanders’ campaign co-chairs was speaking out about how the supposed United States of America was in need of a moment of “national transcendence” wherein the people could rise above partisanship and imagine/envision a better world than what is possible under the privately corporatized status quo. It has been reported that when she learned of the DNC Resolution Committee’s denial of a debate on climate change, she encouraged the candidates to try to work against the DNC’s dictate.
There is an elephantine ass in the room.
If any of the candidates and their supporters believe that climate change must be discussed because it is something which humans can affect and if they believe that climate change is an imminent threat to many or most forms of life on this planet, why are they subservient democrats or republicans?
Is the answer to that question the same reason there has not been any “national transcendence?”
There are recent surveys of voters which clearly indicate that approximately 2/3rds of democrats consider climate change a major, serious threat to our wellbeing. With republicans, only about 2/10ths (1/5th) think it is a concern. If comparing it with these these two identity groups, it is clear the preference of the DNC is much more in line with the beliefs of republican voters.
The actions of the majority of the DNC seem to, once again, prioritize – above all else – the calculating desire to appeal to vain republican intransigence and a stubbornly smug opposition to discussions which might lead to responsible and egalitarian behavior. The DNC want republican votes and to get them they are willing to appeal to and promote the crudest motivations. Clearly, they are not going to allow socially and environmentally responsible behavior to get in the way of their shared game of winning a trophy presidency through their republican-supporting worship of militarized, dehumanizing, unrestrained, privatized monetary accumulation. If they were to worry about the effects they have on other people or the environment it would be seen as heresy within their shared religion.
The central question remains.
Why are supposed ”progressives” insisting that they stay inside of, and pour their energy into, an organization which clearly sees them as losers? If looked at from an historical perspective, it seems to lead to a strong likelihood that the DNC has plenty of electoral proofs that the supposed “progressive” wing of their party is a whiny bunch of masochists who get some kind of delight out of punishment. This chronic tendency of supposed progressives to fall in line with those who prefer to silence their concerns and to abandon their priorities (once they have been used in the game of corporate dominance) makes it more than understandable that the DNC is confidently pissing on the would-be progressives. The DNC is confident that their self-captured would-be progressives lack the stamina (much less, the courage) to resist the privatizing republican corporatism which is central to the Super-delegated DNC. The answer to the paragraph’s opening question can be found in the behavior of those whose brainwashed religiosity stops them from repudiating the long-standing, blatant corruption of their religion. In short, they do not need to necessarily believe what they say they believe as much as they need to identify as members of a delusional, corrupt, republican-preferring, deregulating, capitalist religiosity.
The intransigence of the stated desires of the so-called “progressive democrats” is, at least partially, their own doing. As long as they cling to the abusiveness of their beloved DNC piracy, they will be treated with the same disdain. “Progressive democrats” are a guarantee of failure. They are their own worst enemies. Their submissive complicity is well established and it is abundantly obvious to the DNC that supposed progressive democrats are primarily delusional participants with imaginary friends.
Hypocrisy and piracy are rampant in the capitalist parties. Getting on board those ships only guarantees the vision of the Jolly Roger and a continuation of social and environmental debauchery.
The majority of voters in the faking USA are republican capitalists – even as a majority of them seem to believe otherwise. Working within the current system is only a guarantee of its continuing self-destructiveness.
There is no need for passion.
A standing apart from the corruption is the needed first step toward a necessary integrity and the subsequent possibility of any transcendence (the possibility of which becomes less with every submission to the arrogant corruptions promulgated by the DNC and their allied RNC). To anyone who claims to be a progressive democrat I can only say – your bondage (and the connected toxicity) must be seen as being of your own making and unmaking. They do not need you. They tolerate and use you for private gain. Why do you believe that you need them?
If you fear for the way things are going to become worse and you cling to the agents of the cause of your fear, you need to face your own hypocrisy and say, “ I will no longer countenance my complicity.”
You must also be prepared for their attacks. Attacking others is their chief delight and, even as democrats and republicans attack each other, anyone who steps beyond their pirate ships is a more likely target of their mutual disdain.
So, at this late date I can only ask, what kind of loser do you want to be, Inside or outside?