Photo Source kelly bell photography | CC BY 2.0
Americans across the country will be bracing for the coming Blue Wave; a self-induced disaster that will outpace even the climate change induced storms sweeping the country. The Blue Wave is inevitable as the inaction on climate change that will come with it. Democrats feel entitled to fill more seats with hot air now that the Not-So-Great Pumpkin is an international embarrassment. Donald Trump’s speech to the U.N. was similarly full of hot air, despite the encouraging words against globalization. Trump wants less foreign aid, diplomacy and immigration. But he also wants more war and handouts for the global elites. Add this all up and it’s a pitiful resistance to the devastation to working people that globalization has caused across the globe.
Down with the globalists! Trump says he was being funny on purpose. But Trump is never funny, and he never does anything on purpose. But he is right. Down with the globalists! The words may be hallow but they are correct.
Yes these globalists, at least the garden U.S. variety, do not come from places all that far away. They are inbred, much like Trump and Brett Kavanaugh, at prep schools on the East Coast. These globalists have spouted liberal doctrine, and even observed that hey, people are pretty poor these days! These globalists have overseen wars that have left entire countries in ruins, largely ignored the coming environmental apocalypse, empowered global corporations to run amok, and let the average person lose every means to survive.
These globalists hate Donald Trump and everything he touches. And they can point to everything they hate by referencing a high school yearbook. In the case of Brett Kavanaugh, it’s a literal, slimy high school yearbook.
The high school yearbook is the perfect metaphor for how Democrats deal with Donald Trump though. Literally everything they hate about him could probably be proven by something written in Don’s high school yearbook. They hate his arrogance, his stupidity, his bullying behavior. It’s a beef between the popular kids. And it’s a nasty petty one at that. As for the rest of us? They just bump into us into the hallway and never look back. No word yet on deregulation, environmental destruction, imperial blunder, handouts for the rich and welfare cutting. Why would the Democrats care? None of these things bust their egos, only our livelihoods.
The resistance to Brett Kavanaugh has been a mighty strange one indeed. Perhaps we should be grateful the Democrats finally grew a backbone, but they are more known for their backstabbing. Rather than resist Kavanaugh’s blatantly corporate anti-environment agenda, Democrats hit him where it hurts them: ‘his character’. The profiles on Kavanaugh are just as pettifogging as the ones on Trump. Frat boy. Jock. Entitled. Rowdy. Pig. Drunk. If all this holds up his nomination, so be it.
But if Kavanaugh is blocked, Trump has five more pro-corporate judges lined up. The real issue here is that we have no democracy left. The rich have hijacked the system and the only conflict now is their bickering with each other. The real conflict—the class conflict—is a one sided bloodbath that’s too dark to print.
And forgive me, but didn’t these people all go to Yale together? Now The New York Times writes about elite prep schools as if it was a bad thing. But who else reads The New York Times besides prep school alumni? I am not sure if I care who was the captain of which football team back when all these people were less famous. I am more concerned about who the captain of the oil industry is. Or how about the captain of Amazon? Goldman Sachs? None of these learned people know a thing about standing up to them. None of them know a thing about responsible governing. None of them care a lick about working people. All they care about is who gets chosen for the Prom in November.
If there is a character who deserves to be assassinated, it’s Brett Kavanaugh. But it takes Fox freaking News to point out the obvious hypocrisy going on for the Democrats. As we wade through days of a rape scandal about Brett, Democrats line up to defend domestic abuser Keith Ellison. Ellison disappointingly coasted to a primary victory in the supposed progressive state of Minnesota. A Star Tribune poll revealed that only 21% of Minnesotans are sure the abuse happened. It’s unclear what else Karen Monahan needs to do to be believed. She has released medical records and text messages.
Bernie Sanders flew to Minnesota to campaign for Ellison, brushing off the accusations before one could finish the word ‘revolution’. Ellison himself evoked the witch hunt, as he said he wasn’t sure who would ‘cook up’ allegations next. The main Minneapolis paper Star Tribune callously labeled Monahan’s accusations as another GOP smear on the black predator. These people really don’t listen to women. It was Democrat Hillary Clinton who coined the term ‘black super predator’.
Kamala Harris, another so-called progressive, told reporters that we should let the investigation ‘run its course.’ The investigation is, of course, internal. In other words, Democratic National Committee. And Ellison is Duputy Chair for the DNC. We’ll see how that goes. Like Kavanaugh, Ellison nabbed himself a female lawyer. Everyone believes a woman who doesn’t believe a woman.
Now that the #MeToo wave has passed, the Democrats will no longer be surfing it. ’We Believe Survivors’ has been replaced with ‘We Believe Democrats Who Are Up For Reelection.’
What were the lessons to be gained from the Kavanaugh hearings? That every boy who joins a frat will grow up to be an entitled prick? Perhaps a fine lesson. But what about the 87% of the time that Kavanugh votes with big corporations? When the dust settles, someone will have this job. And they will be handing over all our rights to the corporate class. As we sprint towards what Noam Chomsky ominously calls the precipice, let us remember who our real enemies are. It’s the 1% and everything they stand for.
Humans are among the illest fit species for survival. Evidence of this can be found in our mass consumption suicide, but it can also be found in our inability to sense a tsunami coming. Other wildlife can sense when a highly dangerous wave is coming. Recall the 2005 Sri Lanka tsunami when elephants screamed and ran for higher ground (hopefully you can tell I’m not talking about Republican elephants because these very intelligent creatures went for higher ground). While we normally aren’t so attuned to such monstrous waves, we have a good warning about a potential Blue Wave come November. Yet how are we preparing for it? With our arms spread and our tongues out, like we are waiting for a snowflake to drop. Snowflakes are worth catching, for they are all unique. However, the forecast for this Blue Wave just reads more of the same.