I Love the Smell of Imperial Meltdown in the Morning 

Photo by Paul Siarkowski | CC BY 2.0

Gore Vidal preferred chaos to order. According to his wisdom centrifugal forces create gaps and spaces in which freedom can fornicate.

As things stand that’s probably the best we can hope for. Indeed we might as well embrace what’s happening all around us. Because the Anglo-American gang that filled the last 200 years with liberal imperialism is losing the mendacious plot. The grand illusion is falling apart.

The grand chessboard isn’t in the best of shape either. The Anglo-American game plan to dominate Euro-Asia is being ripped apart by the Euro-Asians. The grandfather of ISIS – Zbigniew Brzezinski – must be rolling in his grave. According to him geopolitics is all about hegemony. And that’s something no one possesses at the moment – least of all the Anglo-Americans.

The consequence is that there’s space for an Assad and an Ali Khameini in the Middle East; for a Kim Jong-un and a Xi Jinping in the East. And for a Putin everywhere. And in Latin America there’s room for a Maduro. And a Castro is still there.

And the chaotic spaces aren’t disappearing. As Steve Bannon said recently – in the context of North Korea but which can be applied generally: there is no military solution. And he may as well have added that there isn’t an economic solution. There’s not even an ideological solution.

A few years ago the Anglo-Americans would’ve invaded and carpet bombed the chaotic spaces without a second thought. And only yesterday the use of proxies was the tactic. Russia though has unilaterally  thrown a spanner into the workings of all this  naked Anglo-American aggression.

The net result is that the UN Security Council will no longer back anymore “humanitarian wars”. And the use of “Islamic fundamentalism” has been check mated. All the Anglo-Americans can do now is nuke the world or shut up.

A few years ago the Anglo-Americans could have also used economics to eliminate or control the chaotic spaces. Sanctions, shock therapy and structural adjustment policies were their alternative WMD. But even these bombs from Bretton Woods are now of limited or no value. Why? The BRICS. Or in another word – China.

Today the English speaking way is not as omnipotent as before. Back in 1955 the Bandung Conference in Indonesia was an attempt to create a space for chaotic freedom but it hadn’t the military or economic power to establish itself. Today is different.

The non-aligned countries that emerged from the Bandung Conference now in the early 21st Century have accumulated and generate enough capital to give substance to their 1955 desire.

And as well as that significant fact is the connection these countries have made to a born again Russia. The latter has dramatically added to whatever military power the non-aligned movement has had in the face of the Anglo-American Empire.

The passing of time has seen the passing away of the Empire’s military and economic monopolies. The non-aligned movement plus Russia, the Third World, BRICS or whatever you want to call it has at last a sufficient industrial base upon which to construct a liberating chaos.

Alternative banking systems and alternative trading systems have slowly but surely emerged on top of the National Liberation struggles of the 20th Century – to the detriment of Wall Street and London.

And the anchors of this New World Disorder are proving to be the great Russian and Chinese Revolutions of the last century. The radical independence these world changing events gave to Russia and China was – to say the least – no short term phenomenon.

In the long term the universal values of the Enlightenment have successfully taken root. Despite the cynicism, fatalism and pessimism (the postmodernism) in the Anglo-American sphere – reason has found fertile ground in the lands despised by the original Enlightenment.

Its now the Anglo-Americans (and their European clones and clowns) who rely upon religion, hysteria and lies. Its they who are building great walls. And it is they who want to hide behind protectionism. Liberalism had its chance a long time ago to live up to its ideals but for the love of money it chose to do otherwise.

The extremely influential American planner George F. Kennan best expressed this ideological sellout in 1948 (Memo PPS23) when he officially recommended that the US forget about democracy, living standards and human rights in the world if it wanted to maintain its control of global wealth.

The intention of liberalism was top secret back then but is common knowledge now (outside the mainstream media, that is). It has always been Anglo-America and financial wealth first – Trump makes it crystal clear today. The Anglo-Americans severed their ideological links to the world a long time ago – if they were ever there in the first place.

The unprincipled ruthlessness Kennan demanded and got from Anglo-America was – around 1950 – dressed up in the clothes of freedom. Today however its clothes are nothing but farce.

Uncomfortable laughter, embarrassment and disbelief are the feelings associated with Anglo-America now around the non-NATO world. Its not just Trump, Russia-gate, Bolton, Theresa May, the Skripal poisoning-case and the chemical stories in Syria. Each one more fake than the next. Its the stock market bubble and the military bubble as well. Each one more irrational and ripe for revolution than the other.

And underlining it all and the insurance for us all is the cowardice of the Anglo-Americans. Like school yard bullies they only pick on the weak and defenseless. Or its probably more apt to say that like psychopathic serial killers they only pick on the weak and defenseless.

So the chances of Washington D.C. and London confronting head on the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans, Venezuelans and Syrians are slim. Against a well organized defense the Empire is a coward.

The Anglo-Americans can rant and rave as much as they like – the rest of the world will work around them and NATO – like the way we avoid the insane on the street. There are roads, bridges and railways to be built across Euro-Asia and across Africa too. And in Latin America there’s still time for Bolivar and Che to build something new.

The Anglo-Americans are very much redundant today. The Empire is empty. Its authority in every way has shrank rapidly in the last two decades. It preaches with blood on its hands. Its lectures are lies. And its precious money is nothing but paper. Its New World Order is in chaos. And the world is better because of it. Finally the free world is emerging.

Aidan O’Brien lives in Dublin, Ireland.