The debate commences: “I am far loonier than my opponents.” “But I am interested in angering Asians having babies all over the US with abandon. You just haven’t noticed this is happening, but a guy with an exclamation mark after his name notices these things. I think that proves my capabilities in this area.” A voice stirs……“I want to bomb caves that poor people might be hiding in. Don’t you think this would indicate that I am perhaps the most insane?” But not to be outdone….“Hold on, I am a creepy, should be bankrupt swindler who says his daughter has a great figure, and I would probably date her (if she wasn’t my daughter)….doesn’t that seem to rise above this freshman level crazy?”
I wait for one of them to simply shed his clothes and defecate on a random woman in the audience to the roar of approval from their followers. Or even more satisfying for them, a gay, perhaps Mexican (or Asian, for Jeb!) woman. I imagine they have the sense to stay out of that particular audience, though.
These are not outtakes from the motion picture “Idiocracy”. They would have ended up on the cutting room floor anyway— too unbelievable. I find myself having trouble suspending disbelief when I watch these gentlemen, but of course, that is what you need to do to enjoy pure theater.
At a time when student loan debt is above all other types, even credit card debt, the most mind-numbingly repeated word was abortion, the term middle class or poor not tainting these Little Lord Fauntleroy lips. It’s as if the frat is sponsoring some type of low self esteem improvement seminar and it was televised. These guys need to convince themselves that they are indeed better than all other entities. Women (of course), those not born wealthy, those not able to game the system effectively…..those types of “losers”. Can you imagine a relative of yours declaring bankruptcy three times? Would you loan them some money for a new “idea” like maybe he has this great idea for hair removal using solar panels. How is a man like that lauded as anything but a huckster? He was able to manipulate laws to leave others screwed so he could move on to screw more 20 year olds (thankfully not his daughter, but that would probably give him some evangelical cred if he did, then cried about it later, thanking Jesus and company for his redemption).
It was all kind of humorous, except for the fact that their most dogged survival of the dimmest (but richest) is currently hurting so many. Schools all over are suffering as they try to make it clear that public education doesn’t work. It is a well-oiled plan. Defund and destroy, then claim it never worked. Then privatize and pilfer until the populace feels the pinch of a thousand leeches upon them.
Women are suffering. Check this out: “It is my view that no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition.” This is not a Bernie Sanders quote……. it is from Richard Nixon in 1969! This incredible hate (bordering on stalker obsession) this crop of Republicans has is new in regard to basic family planning. We have all heard the sordid tales, politician is against adultery and abortion except in cases of…..his mistress. I think they just enjoy seeing the poor suffer. We let them claim religion, but you just know those guys happily taking part in the inquisition were sadists. These personality types didn’t vanish. They know what to lash on to so they can obtain their fix: religion. The free pass to treat others horrendously but not suffer any reputation armor chinks. Anyway, so many women get preventative care and birth control from Planned Parenthood, but I have heard of no ideas for alternatives from those who claim they aren’t trying to dismantle women’s healthcare. Perhaps plans are in the works similar to the “Crisis Pregnancy” places that trick women into going into them. They could have Crisis Breast Cancer kiosks at malls with faith based breast exams to look for malignancy. I have a feeling there’s a new line of work opening up for Josh Duggar.
But women are supposed to be really happy that they have achieved an “equivalency”. Why there is even a female Viagra in the form of the pharmaceutical Addyi out now. Crazy shit. Evidently no alcohol allowed at all while on this med (that is needed everyday, even days a person is not planning on sex). On average, it is said to encourage women to have sex one more time a month. Wow, huh? Oh, and the alcohol issue was also tested overwhelmingly on men, for this drug only intended for women. Boondoggle, all of it. How about some equality in pay, not a silly little pink pill for a condition that probably has other stem issues (like not enjoying sex with the person they are with). But I digress, this is simply painting the current atmosphere. This is to say that much of this equality only goes so far and much of it is contrived nonsense.
But the escalating rhetoric of the crazies is very concerning. It’s as if the one with the orange fluff substance on his head is encouraging the id of the uneducated to ooze out. It perhaps goes like this: If he can do it and be a “success” maybe I should open up about this incredible dislike I have for guys named Juan and women who age!”
I for one don’t want to see their ids. I think that leads to nausea, vomiting and tolerance of fascism.