(Goodbye Howard Dean)

with apologies to Bernie Taupin and Elton John

Goodbye Howard Dean.
Though I never backed you at all,
You could glimpse reality,
And make those around you bawl.
You said Don’t take sides with Israel,
And they made you feel the pain.
You questioned 9/11,
And they made you slink in shame.

And it seems to me we live our lives
Like some cattle in a pen,
Never knowing who to vote for
Till the returns are in.
Our eyes are on November
Where the treasure’s hid.
The ideas burned out long before
The losers ever did.

As the dentist checked Saddam,
You said We are no more secure.
And your fellow Democrats?
They buried you in deep manure.
Even as you faded,
Oh the press still hounded you.
All the papers had to say
Was that Howard always flubs his cue.

And it seems to me we live our lives
Like some cattle in a pen,
Never chewing what’s not fed us
By the suited men.
From now until November
They’re keeping on the lid.
The ideas burned out long before
The losers ever did.

STAN COX lives in Salina, Kansas. He can be reached at: t.stan@cox.net



Stan Cox is the author of seven books, including  The Green New Deal and Beyond: Ending the Climate Emergency While We Still Can  and Losing Our Cool: Uncomfortable Truths About Our Air-Conditioned World. He lives in Salina, Kansas.