Notice how all these anonymous sources coming out of the White House woodwork to save America from Trump only hide papers and steal documents from his desk that would tempt him to do something actually useful. The fear that he might eliminate or even reduce military bases overseas and/or overturn NAFTA has united the Resistance’s so-called left and right wing to ensure that the business of Empire remains impervious to the whims of the toddler Emperor.
When Dear Dotard wants to gut funding to the EPA, or withhold funds earmarked for the Palestinian territories, those brave members of the Crazy Train Underground are nowhere to be found. Funny how they can be relied upon to place his crayon ‘X’ on just about anything else that ensures further financial and environmental collapse.
When you’ve got Mike Pence aka ‘Deep Closet’ poised to replace Harriet Tubman on a future postage stamp as leader of a stealth, internal movement to restore the guiding neocon principles of foreign policy, it’s time to vacate this dying ‘Lodestar’ and move to a black hole in Deep Space. At least there, no one can hear you question the legitimacy of a rogue, shadow administration plotting to overthrow the president at the behest of rival right wing coup plotters in cahoots with a media outlet mostly devoted to chronicling elite wedding planning.
Thanks to the efficacy of the pneumatic tubes that suck one time power-serving factoids down a memory hole – think stenographer Judith Miller making the case for the existence of Iraq’s WMD program provided to her by “unnamed” sources – we can now be convinced of the existence of a similarly “unnamed” source conveniently placed in the newsroom of the New York Times where he or she is employed as a phantom member of the Trump administration. This phantom has been unleashed to strike back at the Menace threatening the Empire. Once again, a Force awakens to stave off an attack of the Clowns.
Curious, too, how the liberal establishment brings out its longest and sharpest knives when wasteful military expenditure is jeopardized, or when a ruinous trade agreement is challenged. That’s when Twittler becomes an enemy of the Deep Swamp and a threat to be neutralized. The rest of his erratic and destructive agenda is just background noise. Eventually, we all get used to the sound of caged children rattling their chains, and the cries of orphaned grizzly cubs in Yellowstone Park. We will not tolerate, however, any deviancy from the Imperial playbook of endless war and spiraling military spending. This is where the proverbial buck stops and the next Woodward-led coup d’etat commences.
Trump’s alleged statements questioning the costs involved with maintaining military bases and personnel on the Korean peninsula is presented as evidence of a dangerous and “unhinged” mind – as if the presence of US troops in this particular region is the default position of sanity. Some would argue (quite illogically and treasonously) that US bases are a force of regional de-stabilization and a primary justification for organizations and individuals seeking to violently challenge American hegemony in their rice paddies, deserts and shopping malls.
Bob Woodward, one time bag man for a disgruntled, high ranking FBI official and Honorary Purse Holder for Power has been dispatched again to light the fuse that will ignite yet another palace-based coup. This time against an appointed puppet president with funny ideas about making adjustments to the military/industrial complex.
Granted, Trump is no anti-Imperialist crusader as some of his more libertarian, Kremlin-backed supporters might suggest. His concern with wasteful spending is no different from the former ‘Apprentice’ host berating a Playboy bunny contestant for failing a fiscal challenge.
Let’s resist, however, the temptation to consider the squealing rats quoted in Woodward’s upcoming book, and still aboard the sinking SS Trumptanic a force of “resistance”. Let’s just call them what they are: A skin-saving brigade of opportunists fighting for life jackets before abandoning a diarrhea-filled Carnival Cruise Liner. I’d think twice before cheering on a crew of embedded “journalists” in an aircraft carrier, coming to rescue us all. The outcome of this militarized media-based operation simply means trading passage from one dying vessel to another fatally listing behemoth named after John McCain and headed for his final destination.