Reality Winner would not be going to prison if the so-called government of the United States of America was not as deviously obfuscating and didn’t try to conceal the truth about their devious scheming. She is going to prison as an example to emphasize the intolerance for transparency which demands that we obediently follow orders and repudiate our inclination to learn the truth, especially without permission.
With the sentencing of Reality Winner there has been a renewed surge in promoting the unsubstantiated distraction of insisting that some still unproven supposed agents of Russia were responsible for the turnout of proudly delusional support for the manipulating lies and bigotry of Donald Trump and for the collateral lack of support for the parallel smarmy obfuscations and manipulations by Trump’s old friend Hillary Clinton in their shared competition to grab greater power over the suckers who supported either of their campaigns.
The fact is that Reality Winner was an agent from inside the machinery of manipulation who is being punished by her fellows because she disobeyed the rules of their opaque secrecies and took it upon herself (or so it seems) to reveal an interpretation of unsubstantiated accusations in an effort to make those unsubstantiated accusations appear as if they were based upon substantiated fact when they were not. That so many people who insist that they are of the left have again rallied around her as if she is a “whistleblower”
– when she was actually working against the possibility of people demanding to see real substance regarding the DNC created and promoted story about supposed Russian interference instead of blindly accepting the “high confidence” of notoriously corrupt agencies –
is only helping to burnish the NSA’s manipulating confidences.
Reality Winner is going to prison because she was an over-eager agent who did not get permission to help spread what so far is only propaganda. She is being used as a lesson on being obedient. She did not reveal any facts about the DNC-instigated accusations. If she was so misguided as to think that she might be able to make the unsubstantiated accusations appear to be based in proofs by revealing an inside paper which did not present any proof then she is being punished for not being an “authorized” professional manipulator.
That so many supposed supporters of openness in government seemingly refuse to allow the possibility that she may have been part of a plan to increase the DNC-desired hostility toward Russia and their ability to distract attention away from the very real facts of DNC corruption and obfuscating manipulations puts them in the same boat as the stupidly arrogant supporters of Trump. Whatever you do, do not see the reality of the continuum of democrat-republican corporately driven corruption. Seeing that reality might start to change the direction of the great global Titanic inevitability and that is an intolerable apostasy within the corporetum and its pretenses which masquerade as american politics.
To the system of which Winner is a part, Winner had to be punished because as an unauthorized servant of the militarized security state she might have inadvertently revealed that there is possibly proof that the focus on Russia was deliberately created to distract from the reality of widespread democrat corruption to rig the election with the help of their “intelligence” allies who preferred Clinton’s corporate corruption over Trump’s.
A “whistleblower” is a person who reveals the truth about the scheming and lies which are used by the powerful to deceive people and the whistleblowers make the revelations to show how the powerful are not trustworthy. This is NOT what Reality Winner was trying to accomplish. Her revelations were meant to lend credibility to a story which as yet is still lacking any real proof.
We are supposed to swallow the story without proof and based upon a lack of real evidence because agencies which have a long history of devious scheming and extrajudicial excesses are highly “confident.” So far, this is a confidence game and Reality Winner is going to prison to make it seem as if there is more substance to it than there is.
For all I know, Winner may see this prison term as a service to prove to her colleagues at the NSA, the DNC, and the RNC that she is a devoted believer. I do not want her imprisoned and I believe she is gaining the patina of a martyr for openness when she is likely and merely an overzealous democrat enabler who might be clueless to her own corruption.
Her revelations came to us through a website called “the Intercept.” That site is based upon corporate profits and has shown a rather strong belief in the democrat party as an opposition party against the republicans in numerous articles. Like so many other “liberal” sites, they cannot allow people to see the democrat-republican continuum for what it is. Nancy Pelosi must be pleasantly proud that her own capitalist pronouncements are being so regularly encouraged. The fact that Glenn Greenwald is one of its most prominent writers at the Intercept is more and more like a bait which is used to cover the fact that much of the writing at the site could be interpreted as propaganda from the democrats. As time has passed, Greenwald’s objectivity is becoming more scarce and the preference for democrat control is becoming more consistent. The overzealous sloppiness at the Intercept was very much a part of the martyring of Winner. It is widely assumed that it was all accidental and unprofessional.
So, who is benefitting?
The democrats appear to be victims.
Reality Winner appears to be a victim.
The fake progressive democrats are promoting – without proof – the story presented by the intelligence agencies which have a long history of oppressiveness and deception for the profits of predatory capitalists.
Those of us who are – with good reason – suspicious that this may all be another theatrical production for the benefit of the uber-militarized corporate non-state are being attacked and labeled as Putin’s minions by other people who claim that they are leftists while they enable the message of the corporatists.
What Reality Winner was and what she has become is misguided at best.
There are plenty of corrupt players in this theater who truly deserve her sentence and worse. Her big mistake is probably that she was too reckless in her devotion to a devious corporate plundering warmonger name Clinton and she underestimated the sadistic delight of her colleagues when they feel the desire to restrict and crush out lives in the name of secrecy and domination.
I can only imagine the numerous offers Reality Winner will receive from supposed liberals to compensate her devotion to the corporatists when she is released from prison.
Meanwhile, other real whistleblowers continue to be punished for providing us with the facts of the connected corruption of the democrat-republican continuum.
September 1, 2018 Addendum
When I composed the above article the thought went through my mind that there might be the possibility of a presidential pardon for Winner. At that time I thought that including my suspicion was superfluous to the point. I also thought that a presidential pardon could be another award for service rendered to the corporetum. When I read that Trump was (supposedly)protesting her sentence and using his words to compare Winner and Hillary Clinton, I almost immediately thought of John McCain. The reason for that association has everything to do with the corporate-run state’s preference for labeling some of its most prominent agents as “maverick.” Trump, Hillary Clinton, McCain, Obama, G.W. Bush, and yes, Winner have all been presented to us as if they are mavericks because they have taken actions or had identities which appear as if they are outside of the normal routines of the average corruption which runs the democrat-republican continuum.
Also, if you read the history of Reality Winner’s story, you will be reminded that she is a product of the Air Force and that she received special training in the Persian language because of her extraordinary talents therein and that she received a medal for her contributions in spying and locating targets for extermination during the Obama years of extrajudicial drone murders.
It is also estimated that she helped kill approximately 600 people.
It is unlikely that she is anyone’s patsy when it comes to doing the work of the global corporate agenda. Now Trump and Winner are on the same page. There is little reason to doubt that Hillary Clinton will also approve of this situation.