In the Beginning was the Word

Photo by SPACES Gallery | CC BY 2.0

How much longer can it be before demand is openly made for universal abandonment and eradication of Capitalism?

Already a few wise, principled, deeply informed voices are fiercely, acutely critical of the system.  Some assert it can’t be reformed, ameliorated and argue that efforts to broaden it, make it better, more inclusive, are futile, useless.

But where is the voice drawing the only possible honest conclusion: that it must be completely abandoned and replaced by a system that honors life before it renders the earth a collapsed, befouled, garbage-gagged, chemically and radioactively poisoned waste dump and kills us all?

No one in a position of influence will just say it plainly.

One powerful dissuading force is the massive inertia of conventional wisdom.  He who calls for Capitalism’s end will get what all visionaries since Galileo have gotten: outraged condemnation and universal ridicule.  TINA will be cited.  Yet, as Gandhi said, “first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you: then you win”.

There is real risk in it.  To state it unequivocally will cancel one’s permitted critic status and the right to be heard and ignored and brand one irrevocably an Enemy of The State, whose punishment can be summary, secret, and condign.

Consider Manning, Snowden, Assange, and others, as principled but less known.  Each exposed criminal State behavior and suffered furious, relentless official retribution  for it.  Fear of such punishment is warranted and natural.

Yet the threat of punishment may be less a deterrent than the universal condemnation and total ostracism visited on the whistleblower and truth teller by the peer group that should have been their stalwart defender: the Press.

Men such as Hedges, Pilger, Parry–now gone–and Hersh,  at the top of their craft in knowledge, savvy, skill, wisdom and courage, have been virtually run out of journalism by corrupt capos of media, with the gross complicity of moral mediocrities, the salaried sycophants of the Imperial State.

Until and unless it is fully accepted in the world mind that Capitalism is inherently vicious and destructive of all life, it will propagate itself, as cancer does, until it kills its host.

Resistance to that idea’s implementation will be adamant, volcanic, and massively enforced.  The wealth and power of its controlling monsters will all be employed to prevent their doomsday machine being stopped and shut down.

But as Shelley said, ye are many, they are few.  If the true evil of Capitalism is once comprehended by humanity, this horror, like human sacrifice and slavery, can be eliminated, and life on earth can, perhaps, in time, flourish again.

Paul Edwards is a writer and film-maker in Montana. He can be reached at: