Globalization Demands a New Presidential Puppet: The Geopolitical Utility of Trade Tariffs and the ‘Shelf Life’ of Donald Trump

One of the central pillars of Globalization as neoliberal orthodoxy and transfer of resources from poor to rich is the dominance of ‘free trade’ as determined and defined by Transnational Corporations and as minimises the sovereignty of State, subjugating same as ‘former’ to a unified ‘supra national’ command structure which is homogeneous as it is unitary. Globalization entails as demands the death of ‘State’ as an autonomous political entity capable of enforcing regulations in a Geopolitical context of the creation of ‘Zones’; it is all about money power  of the ‘1%’ rather than People power; it is all about the expropriation of resources by a small minority and their arrogation of rights as an ‘economic apartheid’  of Corporate dominance enforced, where deemed necessary, at the point of a gun form of military warfare, or sanction as economic warfare, and under manufactured Casus belli as Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria evidence. Deregulation to a free market means greater control and manipulation to point of transfer of resources; it is freedom to plunder, to expropriate and arrogate and best of all, it is perfectly legal?

The above means that Globalists wish to see such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which has morphed in to TPP11 implemented. The problem, even given secrecy surrounding the ‘exact detail’, is that too many people are aware of the implications of such ‘free trade’ as defined, too many people still cling to the concept of sovereign state and Nationhood, too many people are against further transfer of resources; against even more ‘Austerity’.

The subject of the Globalist imperative of elimination of National Sovereignty and its relationship to such phenomena as ‘economic migration’ in context of the imposition of a ‘supra national’ command structure is not one conducive to the ‘universal deceit’ as practised by mainstream media way of pragmatism; for real journalistic coverage of such subject it is requisite that ‘alternative media’ such as ‘Globalresearch‘ be perused? An excellent academic analysis of TPP can be found here.

One of the most surprising things about the candidacy of Donald Trump, given his Corporatist background, was his stand against the TPP, indeed he withdrew the US from the TPP in January 2017.

The contention this small article is that he was instructed to do so under tactics of the ‘deep state’ to which he represents but another ‘spinmeistered puppet’, as have all Presidents since JFK been, and there is accordant a method to the madness of Trump’s ‘anomalous stance’ as proposed below.

On a polemical note, Globalisation is as ‘full of shit‘ as the Trump administration’s appointment of Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary; an action which reveals as much as to the real agenda being pursued as Obama’s appointment of Rham Emmanuel as White House Chief of Staff did?

But digression; the subject at hand being the ‘false flag’ evident in Trump’s recent floating of ‘trade tariffs’ and his claims that trade wars are winnable in sense of being good for the economy and, in particular, good for American jobs. ‘You never want a serious crisis go to waste’ indeed – and in Trump’s proposal of trade tariffs as trade war a serious crisis is in process of being manufactured as evidences ‘you never want a good presidential puppet go to waste’?

The sad fact is that Trump is being set up to fail ‘ big time’ as much as the ‘masters of disaster’ aka the ‘Deep State’ which had him elected such the spin deconstructed see him but as a ‘hangout’; a mere puppet to be sacrificed on the altar of an orthodoxy; the tragedy as ever is that is ‘The People’ who will suffer. Trump’s idea of trade war by way of tariff is like the ‘National Health Service’ (NHS) in the UK when it comes to private interests setting up failure by way of political whoredom, by way of a purposive destruction engineered to cause of rendering the unacceptable acceptable. In case of the NHS it is starvation by absence of funding and the encouragement of contracts being awarded to private contractors, in case of US trade tariffs it will be starvation of US Industry by way of profit reduction thru retaliatory measures leading to a volt – face concerning TPP. If you thought ‘Russiagate’ was bad just wait for ‘Tariffgate’ such the mainstream media, such the Geopolitical ploy.

Free trade as enshrined in the TPP is an absence of regulations imposed by State, as part of the supra national transcendence of a control structure Geopolitical in essence as Globalisation demands. How does one make such a nefarious scheme look good such the ‘best lay’?

The answer, as in the above contention, is in the epic failure of the alternative as a false flag.

Trump’s trade war is a set up in process, no more than a gambit. The trade war will fail – and its failure will be broadcast loud and clear using all the power of Globalist mainstream media to amplify upon same; the failure will be as real as the sufferance caused by way of loss of jobs,  threatened shutdown of Industries, the failure will be laid at the door of ‘protectionism’ – opening the door to free trade as the only alternative which will ‘save us’ by way of volte-face. Trump has already indicated he would reconsider the TPP as part of this ‘set up’ such the puppetry/spin in play, and the UK is to consider TPP membership as part of ‘Brexit

Puppets are but casualties of spin truth be told in times of the war which ‘Globalisation’ is?

The forecast here is that the failure of ‘Trade War’ by way of Tariffs will result in Trump’s political demise, to be replaced by a puppet who fully accepts, on behalf of ‘The People’, the imperative of ‘free trade’. TPP will be implemented as  a ‘hope and change’ such the perversity as cruelty, and may even be celebrated by the Demos such the barrage of spin at a mainstream level.

What a puppet Donald Trump was as President’ is something destined to be unrecognised such the ‘coup de grâce’ of spin by Deep State. Rather he will be portrayed as a well meaning buffoon, a ‘wild card’ who got it wrong. Do not feel sorry for him, he and his shall still sip cocktails at Mar-a-Lago, and there will still be room on the post presidential circuit for him as a new found advocate of free trade. Rather, feel sorry for the rubes who believed in him, such the further austerity de-regulation form of TPP will usher in.

History is indeed something written by the victors as Churchill claimed.

Concerning the contention that Trump is but a puppet to the deep state cast as a ‘maverick’, the following quote from Orwell is apposite:

The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.

Would the Deep State permit a maverick to be the President of the United States when it comes to such a pillar of the neoliberal agenda of austerity as Global free trade? Has Trump already served a large part of his utility concerning resource transfer with his tax cuts? Is the revival of the TPP in the US related to his ‘shelf life’? One thing is for sure, such questions are anathema to the mainstream media.

As Lenin said:

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves’.


Stephen Martin can be reached at: