Delegate count after one tie (or perhaps Sanders win) in Iowa and one Sanders blowout in New Hampshire: HRC 394; Bernie: 42.
Even after Bernie’s thrashing of Hillary in New Hampshire, the Vermont senator only banked four more delegates than Clinton. Why? Because 8 of New Hampshire’s 32 delegates will remain “unassigned” until the Democratic Convention, where they will be instructed to vote for whomever (HRC or Biden?) the party establishment demands. In short, in July when the votes are tallied in Philadelphia, Sanders may well end up losing New Hampshire by four delegates!
Democrats don’t suppress the vote at the polls. They wait until after you’ve voted in the primary to nullify your vote.
Of course, Super Delegates can change their pledges at a whim. But if Bernie wants Super Delegates, he’ll have to court them. If he courts them, they’ll want something in return for their vote. If he gives them something, he undermines the stated purpose of his campaign. If that happens, then he will be just another hack Democrat.
Yes, Bernie, the economy is a rigged game, but not nearly as rigged as the Democratic Party primary process.