The Violence of the Broken Economy

As reporters spread out to talk to accused shooter Jared Loughner’s friends and neighbors, a picture has begun to emerge of a reality that rarely makes the front page. The Washington Post notes that fallout from the recession is visible on Loughner’s own block, where jobs have gone and the construction bubble’s burst. The New York Times describes the withdrawal of Loughner’s dad, who, they write, was “once more of a presence… as he went off to work as a carpet-layer and pool-deck installer.”

The latest jobs report reminds us that one person’s recovery is another’s hollowed American Dream. Unemployment’s only going up for those who lost work recently. The ranks of the long-term unemployed are still rising. Especially for people in their fifties or early sixties, hope of ever finding a job again, let alone one that pays close to what they were making, has disappeared.

This isn’t bad for everyone, notes the Wall Street Journal. They quote Rick Hayduk, managing director of a resort, who calls it an “employer’s market,” noting the toll the recession has taken on people’s hopes. “We have been able to reevaluate some of our starting wages,” he said.

When the option is working at a reduced wage, working at Starbucks, or giving up, many will accept the cut, it’s true. Workers are being squeezed from all angles, with union-busting governors, wage-slashing employers, and a tax-hiking Congress combining to put the pressure on.

And the tax deal squeezed through Congress recently holds another bombshell for lower-wage workers: the Center for Economic & Policy Research notes that 51 million of them will see their taxes rise. Is it any wonder that our political climate is so combustible?

In part thanks to all those interviews with neighbors, Jared Loughner’s being described as a nihilist. We’re no doubt in for loads of discussion of the destructive effects of believing in nothing. What we really need to start talking about in this country are the destructive effects of having nothing.

LAURA FLANDERS is the host of GRITtv, which broadcasts weekdays on satellite TV (Dish Network Ch. More…9415 Free Speech TV) on cable, public television and online at


Laura Flanders interviews forward-thinking people about the key questions of our time on The Laura Flanders Show, a nationally syndicated radio and television program also available as a podcast. A contributing writer to The Nation, Flanders is also the author of six books, including The New York Times best-seller, BUSHWOMEN: Tales of a Cynical Species.  She is the recipient of a 2019 Izzy Award for excellence in independent journalism, the Pat Mitchell Lifetime Achievement Award for advancing women’s and girls’ visibility in media and a 2020 Lannan Cultural Freedom Fellowship for her reporting and advocacy for public media.