Humanitarian assistance=We bomb you. (Have a nice day.)
Restraint=We bomb you when we are good and ready.
The War Against Terrorism (TWAT)=Terrorism Against The Afghans (TATA)
Our vengeance=Retribution
Their vengeance=Vengeance
Our hatred=Justifiable anger
Their hatred=Insanity
Our violence=We are not responsible for it, they are.
Their violence=We are not responsible for it, they are.
Expressing the view that America should be capable of conduct less vicious than the terrorists’=Anti-Americanism
Expressing the view that America should be capable of conduct more vicious than the terrorists’=Pro-Americanism
Anthrax=No joking matter
AC-130 Gunships=Puff The Magic Dragon
Enduring Freedom=What Afghans do
Bombing with “High Jack This Fags” as bomb-casing graffiti=So offensive to our fellow human beings that we must take all protest about it seriously
Bombing with bombs free of graffiti=So beneficial to our fellow human beings that we can ignore, dismiss or belittle all protest about it (the protestors are in a minority, after all)
When we murder children=1001 Excuses
When they murder children=There is no excuse on Earth for harming, let alone brutally ending, innocent lives
Famine relief agencies=Organizations with questionable agendas and strange methods
Bombing the starving=Ending hunger
Bombing the poor=Ending poverty
Bombing the oppressed=Freeing them
Bombing men armed with rifles=Demonstrating our Air Supremacy
Bombing women=Demonstrating our commitment to feminism
Bombing children=Demonstrating our commitment to the future
Bombing the freezing=Warming them up
Bombing=Our answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything
Not bombing=Doing nothing