John Laforge

John LaForge is a Co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and edits its newsletter.

The Lies Have It: Xcel Energy Wins Operating Extension for Nation’s 5th Oldest Nuclear Reactor

Fukushima: Disaster Response is to Spread Radioactive Waste to the Commons

Netanyahu to Biden: “Well, You Dropped the Atom Bomb.”

Calls to Scrap Land-Based Missiles Growing

Unfriendly Fire in Weapons-Flooded War Zone

Take a Lesson from Paul Nitze: Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Nuclear Resisters in German Prisons

Fukushima’s Forever Quagmire of Radiation Hazards

Radioactive Tritium from Monticello Reactor Leaked to the Mississippi River

US Nuclear Weapons in Europe Violate Treaty Law

Fifty Protest Nuclear Weapons Production in Kansas City

NATO Preparing for Combat in Ukraine?

After Fukushima Meltdowns: 13 Years of Accidents, Quakes, Insults

Trouble on the Water

Blocking the Doors of the Treaty Blockers & the Nuclear Ban Treaty’s 3d Anniversary

Fukushima: Japan’s Triple Threat in Spades

Radioactive Leaks from Monticello Reactor in Minnesota Threaten the Mississippi

NATO’s Steadfast Noon, is Ready-Made Doom

Tepco’s License to Kill: Dispersal of Radioactive Waste as Disaster Response

Failed Fukushima System Should Cancel Wastewater Ocean Dumping

Failed Fukushima Fixes Falling Like Dominoes

U.S. Depleted Uranium to Make Ukraine War Dirtier

De-Escalation Can Start with Ending All Nuclear Weapons “Sharing”

Treaty Law Enforcer Endures Prison, While U.S. Nuclear Bombs in Europe Give Putin an Idea

Second U.S. Citizen Headed to German Prison for Anti-Nuclear Weapons Actions

Japan to Delay Ocean Dumping of Contaminated Waste Water from Fukushima

Why Not Pay Fine Imposed for Actions Against Nuclear Threats?

Nuclear Threats in Ukraine: Hyped or Real?

Horrifying “Small” Talk about Nuclear Weapons

Fukushima: Novel Fixes Fail, Waste Dumping Threatens Pacific Ocean

Nuclear Reactors and Weapons Electrify a Warzone

Deterrencelessness: Nuclear Threats Neither Credible Nor Viable

“No One Is Paying Attention to Your Protests”

Hypocrisies and Successes at UN Meeting to Ban Nuclear Weapons

The Nuclear Weapons Treaty Ban in the Footsteps of 1982’s Million-Person March

Cape Cod Bay in the Crosshairs — Holtec’s Reactor Waste Water Threat

Reducing Tensions, Building Trust, De-escalating

Get In Line: Investigate U.S. Atrocities First

US Reactors Dangerously Operating Using Counterfeit Parts

Radiation in Medicine: Treatment or Torment?

Plans for Mass Shipments of High-Level Radioactive Waste Quietly Disclosed

US and NATO Nuclear Lunacy Still Raving

German Complaint Against Iran Rings Hollow with US H-bombs Still In Country

“Astonishment and Stupefaction” at $90-Billion Industrial Double-Cross for Australian Submarines

Congress Forces Weapons Spending the Pentagon Wanted Cancelled

Novel Appeal Filed with the European Court of Human Rights in Nuclear Weapons Protest Case

NRC Conducting “Open Investigation” into Allegedly Counterfeit, Substandard US Reactor Parts, & Impossibility of Evacuating Seabrook

A Little Radiation Is Not Good For You

UK Navy’s Public Brawl over Responsibility for Nuclear Mass Destruction

Point Beach Reactor Courts Disaster with Sirens Turned Off