John Laforge

John LaForge is a Co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and edits its newsletter.

Presents Wrapped-Up for Polluters & Nuclear Profiteers  

What Kind of Nuclear Attack Would be Legal?

Retired Nuclear Warriors v. Active Duty Armageddon

Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Abolitionists While US Conducts Nuclear War Games

US Bomb Tests and Bidding Wars Herald New (Unlawful) $1.5 Trillion Nuclear Weapons Complex

Presidential Bomb Threats at the UN

Top German Politicians Want US Nuclear Weapons Out: Did Anti-Nuclear Actions Propel Issue Into National Elections?

“We Burned Down Every Town in North Korea”

Peace Camp and War Games at Harvest Time

Activists Challenge US Nukes in Germany; Occupy Bunker Deep Inside Nuclear Weapons Base

Rockets’ Red Glare and Bombs Bursting in Air

Fukushima’s Radiation Will Poison Food “for Decades,” Study Finds

Draft Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapons Unveiled

United States Says ‘Yes’ to Nuclear Weapons Tests, ‘No’ to a Treaty Ban

“Wherever it Rains in the United States”: Chernobyl Doused the Whole Hemisphere

“Strike Two” Against Canadian Radioactive Waste Dumpsite Proposal

Nuclear Power Bums, Bailouts and Bankruptcy

US Citizens to Join Protests of US Nuclear Weapons Deployed in Germany

Did Obama Pave the Way for More Torture?

Deliberately Irrational and Dangerously Ignorant

Federal Regulator Halts Move to Toughen Radiation Exposure Limits

US Uranium Weapons Have Been Used in Syria

The Dangerous Nuclear Plant Rising on DC’s Doorstep

How US Hiroshima Mythology Insults Veterans

Wild Turkey with H-Bombs: Failed Coup Raise Calls for Denuclearization

In Hopeless Occupation, War Becomes its Own End

Undeterred: Amid Terror Attacks in Europe, US H-bombs Still Deployed There

North Korea, Following China and India, Pledges No-First-Use of Nuclear Weapons–So Could Obama

Dan Berrigan, 1921 – 2016: “We Haven’t Lost, Because We Haven’t Given Up.”

Chernobyl, and Cesium, at 30

Voices of Reason vs the Doomsday Lobby

Fools Fighting Terror with Terror

Fukushima Five Years On: Not a Comedy of Errors, a Calamity of Terrors

If Only the Nuclear Arsenal Were Fool Proof

The US Tiger and the North Korean Mouse

Nuclear Waste Peddlers Still Pushing Yucca Mt. Dump

Nuclear Power: Dead in the Water it Poisoned

Exploding Radioactive Waste Warning: Keep it Above Ground

Still Torture After All These Years

Fukushima Radiation in Pacific Reaches West Coast

Nuclear War Theme Parks: Mass Destruction for the Whole Family

NSP/Xcel Energy Falsified Welding Test Documents on Rad Waste Casks

U.S. Bows Out After Plowshares Conviction is Vacated: Appeals Court Ill-Informed on Nuclear Overkill

Fukushima’s Radioactive Baby Milk Formula

Missile Fields Scandalized from Top to Bottom

“No Boots on the Ground” and Other Fairy Tales

Nuclear Weapons Proliferation: Made in the USA

Nuclear Weapons Proliferation

Stopping the Great Lakes Radioactive Dump

Nuclear Weapons Protesters’ Sabotage Conviction Overturned