John Laforge

John LaForge is a Co-director of Nukewatch, a peace and environmental justice group in Wisconsin, and edits its newsletter.

UK Navy’s Public Brawl over Responsibility for Nuclear Mass Destruction

Point Beach Reactor Courts Disaster with Sirens Turned Off

Rejection of US Hiroshima Myths Long Overdue

US Peace Activists in Germany Join Call for Withdrawal of US Nuclear Weapons

Uproar Over Japan’s Decision to Disperse Radioactive Fukushima Waste Water

Biden’s MacArthur Moment

Accidental Apocalypse and Nuclear War on Drugs

Fukushima at Ten: Aftershocks, Lies, and Failed Decontamination

Treaty Banning the Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction Enters into Force

Court Orders Veterans Affairs Department to Replace Flawed Science in Plutonium Disaster Case

Air Force Veterans of Plutonium Dust Disaster Win Class Action Standing

White House Gangster Wants to Avoid Nuclear-Armed Stigma

White House Gangster Wants to Avoid Nuclear-Armed Stigma

Germany: US Nuclear Weapons Shamed in Nationwide Debate

USAF Vet Could Face ‘20 Days for 20 Bombs’ for Protest Against US H-Bombs Stationed in Germany

Federal Appeal Courts Agree: Facts About Nuclear Weapons Can be Hidden from Juries in Protest Cases

First US Citizen Convicted for Protests at Nuclear Weapons Base in Germany

Trump’s Ministry of No Information

Is Emergency Evacuation from Seabrook Reactor Even Possible? Public Hearings Demanded

Chernobyl’s Deadly Effects Estimates Vary

Nuclear Power Can’t Survive, Much Less Slow Climate Disruption

Gerd Büntzly, Crime Fighter

Loudmouths against Nuclear Lawlessness

Worse than Obsolete: NATO Creates Enemies

Cold War Killer Blow Back

Woolsey Fire Started at Santa Susana Field Lab — Site of “[fourth] largest release of iodine-131 in the history of nuclear power”

Woolsey Fire Burns Toxic Santa Susana Reactor Site

Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty Could Become Law Next Year

Presidential Nuclear Nonsense

White House Radiation: Weakened Regulations Would Save Industry Billions

Help Stop Radioactive Waste Dump and Thousands of Dangerous Shipments Across the US

Illegal US Nuclear Weapons Handouts

The Tip of the Radiation Disaster Iceberg

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Fictions and Facts

The Eye of a Tornado

18 Protesters Cut Into German Air Base to Protest US Nuclear Weapons Deployment

Kings Bay Plowshares Action Names the Trident with Blood

Senate Puts CIA Back on Torture Track

Don’t Call It an Explosion: Gaseous Ignition Events with Radioactive Waste

Russian Sea Monsters: Rudderless Reactors on the High Seas

Move Over Chernobyl, Fukushima is Now Officially the Worst Nuclear Power Disaster in History

Nuclear Keeps on Polluting, Long After Shutdown

War Deaths, and Taxes

“Uncontroversial” Mass Destruction

Fukushima: A Human-Made Disaster Brought on by Bad Faith

False Alarms and Exaggerated Threats

Maybe All Threats of Mass Destruction are “Mentally Deranged”

$1.74 Trillion for H-bomb Profiteers and “Fake” Cleanups

Nuclear Reactors, Bankrupting Their Owners, Closing Early

Trump’s Draft Nuclear Posture Review Degrades National Security