It didn’t take long for Russian Geneticist Dmitry Belyaev to start producing tame, domesticated silver foxes. He simply allowed the less aggressive to breed, and over a very short period of time, the formerly wild creatures started to retain juvenile, dependant traits. They even moved from using wild vocalizations to whining and barking as a manner to indicate their moods. Submissive characteristics prevailed, creating a wildly different creature in the mere blink of an eye, at least according to commonly accepted evolutionary time frames.
In other developments, the protesters now line the streets in not just New York, but other cities as well. The organic momentum is truly spreading, but there is one thing slowing its acceptance by broader groups in the nation. There is a braying dismissal emanating from Mainstream Media, as they constantly point out that the protests do not have a clear, articulated list of demands. They seem to be looking for the kind of key bulleted message points that a weasel corporate consultant from 2000 could easily turn into an awesome PowerPoint presentation (cause he just got PowerPoint for Dummies and can’t wait to use it). They probably want some free snacks to go with the slide show and a pitcher of tea (at least). We might as well just go ahead and admit that we loathe PowerPoint guy.
But there’s this: has there been a clear and coherent goal articulated on the part of the powers that be other than MORE? Just that one word. And startlingly it seems to have worked for them. Sure, they have their Bilderberg meetings and Koch slumber parties (with fun mystery guests to braid hair and prank call Teacher’s Union reps). They undoubtedly pursue common goals, but it really boils down to an overweening greed and avarice that threatens to chew up all that is left for the vast majority of us. It’s not a list of demands for them as much as a philosophy that resembles a plague of locusts. And from that buzzing horde, the cascade of history has flowed in their direction.
It’s truly not valid at this stage to dismiss a grassroots movement that is still wrestling with a nebulous, toddling phase of development. The protesters may simply be in the countering stage, delivering this message to the looters: NO MORE. They are shaking off the domestication, and choosing not to cower at the foot of the master any longer. This is the beginning. Don’t let the bought and paid for messengers discredit an awakened awareness that longs for collective good. The media wasn’t there to flesh out the Gimme More movement key points with analysis by a panel of asses- they were just there to justify every single act, so their sudden need for easy sound bites rings hollow at this moment. They are simply the TASS of our time.
We have whined and barked in our situations for so many years, only gathering enough bravery to nip a bit, or at most harm each other. And with this, our repressive handlers have flourished. Each generation has grown a little more stifled, more certain there is no other way to live.
This is shifting. Yes, the heart of the Roman Empire thumps in old Tony Boloney. But it truly isn’t our fault that the NYPD benefit plan quit covering ED medications. Like so many others, he probably thinks that he has a vested interest in the status quo, as he believes he one of the specials holders of golden DNA. From that stems his dogged disgust for the other (with a slice of sadism for good measure). He’s a tool of the centuries, quite sad really, since he is simply a guard dog, and is most assuredly looked at in that manner by those in balconies watching over the festivities. His type has been bred for purpose by the powerful as well.
But it’s only becoming evident now that our hearts are those of countless shafted peasants and slaves, the majority of the human race during “civilized” times. Those who have survived, but only through submission. These hearts are simply waiting to be shocked back into beating, and it’s something of an electrical phenomenon whereby my beating heart can reignite one next to me, as can yours. The beat cops looked startled by Baloney’s actions when he so casually sprayed those women not threatening him in anything but a mental sense. I can only hope the Roman Empire is not beating in the chests of those other cops. Time will tell; I have to hope.
They have driven us to a point that to follow will mean certain annihilation. Submission will no longer equal survival, but just the opposite. They are the agents of extinction, doing things like planting over 400 nuclear reactors on our globe, as if we never have storms, quakes, or electricity disruption. They seem incapable of planning for the outliers. Let’s be the outliers of a different nature to counter them. It’s not just about the bankers, but the entire culture of more, consequences be damned. That’s why it is hard to distill into a convenient plan of action; it’s no less than the unraveling of evil.
It didn’t take long for the silver foxes to become submissive, but it works in the other direction as well.
Kathleen Peine can be reached at