Kenneth Surin

Kenneth Surin teaches at Duke University, North Carolina.  He lives in Blacksburg, Virginia.

Saudi Killing in an Age of Manufactured Outrage

Corruption and Gentrification in Post-Industrial Buffalo

On Reading the Diaries of Tony Benn, Britain’s Greatest Labour Politician

Joe Manchin, the Good Ol’ Corporate Boy From West Virginia

Fact-Finding Labour’s “Anti-Semitism” Crisis

Brexit is Coming, But Which Will It Be?

Impressions of Shanghai

In Shanghai

The UK’s Labour Party and Its “Anti-Semitism” Crisis

The Great Brexit Disorder

Calculated Buffoonery: Trump in the UK

The UK’s Brexit Shambles

Return to Houston

2018 Electioneering in Appalachian Virginia

The Official Inquiry Into London’s Grenfell Tower Fire

Visiting the Outer Banks of North Carolina

Malaysia’s Surprising Election Results

The UK’s Windrush Immigrant Scandal

The Blight of Ukania

Still Smearing Jeremy Corbyn

Smearing Jeremy Corbyn

Lucrative Dealing in the Age of Austerity

HMS Blighty Shipping Water, Badly

Brief Impressions of the Sri Lankan Conjuncture

Impressions of India, Via Chenai

Poverty American Style

A Margaret Thatcher Statue in Parliament Square?

Bigger in Texas

En Route From Virginia to Texas

Do I Live in a Banana Republic?

Selective Impressions of the New Zealand-Aotearoa Conjuncture

The Racket That is American Collegiate Athletics

Discussing Trump Abroad

Back in Ukania, Redux

Sharpening the Contrasts: From Greece to NOV

Greece Today

Rural American Vignettes

Uber Takes a Hit in London

A State Assembly Race in Rural Virginia Gains National A

London Taxi Driver Chat

Ukania This Time Around

John “Jock” Cronin, an Almost Forgotten WWI Soldier

Tony Blair in Wonderland

Narratives of Decline Among the US and UK Elites

Revisiting Baudrillard’s “America” in the Age of Trump and the Kardashians

Unending UK Brexit Scenarios, Including Chlorinated Chicken From Trumplandia

Come Fly the Unfriendly Skies

Brief Impressions of the Canadian Conjucture

Meet Rep. Morgan “The Morgue” Griffith

Theresa May and the Tories are in Freefall