Kenneth Surin

Kenneth Surin teaches at Duke University, North Carolina.  He lives in Blacksburg, Virginia.

“We’ll See You on the Barricades”: Bojo Johnson’s Poundshop Churchill Imitation

Boris Johnson Opts For His Santa Claus Election

Even Bojo Johnson Can’t Find His Promised Brexit Wunderland

Western China and the New Silk Road

Bojo Goes Bonkers: Two Borders Will Divide Ireland From Northern Ireland

Labour Party Annual Conference Interrupted By Supreme Court’s Decision On Boris Johnson’s Suspension Of Parliament

The Labour Party Annual Conference

An Excellent Study Of The Manufactured Labour “Antisemitism Crisis”

Bojo Johnson’s Magic Carpet Ride Wearing Nigel Farage’s Clothes

Bojo Johnson’s Latest Scurvy Trick

Boris Johnson’s Brexit Helter Skelter

The Continuing Hong Kong Impasse

Boris Johnson’s Slash And Burn Brexit Cabinet

The Way Forward in Hong Kong

The UK Media’s Spurious Campaign Against Labour “Antisemitism”

Britain Grovels: the Betrayal of the British Ambassador

London’s Burning: Brexit and Climate Change

From Japan to Houston During the G20 Circus

Brief Impressions of the Japanese Conjuncture

In China Again

“We’re Going to Ibiza!” Austria’s Coalition Government Falls

The Tory Leadership Scrum

The Maybot is Gone

Israel/America or Netanyahu/Trump?

Reading the Tea Leaves on Ukania’s Local Quasi-Referendum on Brexit

From the UK to Greece: Austerity’s Vicious Political Agenda

Mueller Time? Not for Now

Insurgencies in Malaysia and Vietnam: Boyhood Reflections

A Colossal 21st Century Kleptocracy

New Tricks, Same Brexit

Ziggy May’s Brexit Deal From Mars

Ukania’s Great Privatization Heist

Margaret Thatcher’s Love of Quack Remedies

The UK Labour Party’s “Antisemitism Crisis” and the Likud Supporters in Its Leadership

Ukania’s Party Defections

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline: Another Boondoggle in Virginia

Jeremy Hardy: an Irreplaceable Comedic Voice

The Virginia Mountain Valley Pipeline Boondoggle

Duke of Hazard: Crashing Ukania

Stalled Brexit Goings On

A Great Speaker of the UK’s House of Commons

“Invasions”: the Desperate Need to Distract From the Brexit Shambles

A Road Trip Across the American South With Politics in Mind

The Brexit Pantomime and the Drone “Invasion”

Trump’s African Pivot: Another Swipe at China

The Brexit Shambles Rambles On

Newcastle, Australia: a Place of Contradictions

Return to Denver: Clouds on the Horizon

Ukania: the Land Where the Queen’s Son Has His Shoelaces Ironed by His Valet

Selfiecides: the Gladiators of the Digital Age?