Kenneth Surin

Kenneth Surin teaches at Duke University, North Carolina.  He lives in Blacksburg, Virginia.

How the UK Became a Chumocracy

Boris Johnson, Joe Biden and “The Previous President”

The UK’s Report on Labour Party Antisemitism

UK’s Chaos Unbound

Labour Under Keir Starmer

Britain Takes a Beating…From Itself

Britain is Once Again on the Ropes

The UK Tory “Covid Chumocracy”

The UK’s Latest Trick: “Breaking the Law in a Limited And Specific Way”

Could the Days of the Conventional Office Be Over?

U-Turns Galore in Tory Britain

The UK’s High School Examinations Fiasco

What the President Continues to Say (About The Plague)

The Decrepit UK Political System

Malaysia’s Arch-Kleptocrat is Found Guilty

The UK’s Russia Report on the “Londongrad Laundromat”

The UK’s Sinking Brexit Ship

Boris Johnson’s “Blundering Brilliance”…Now Only the Blundering Remains

UK’s Labour Leader Sacks the Most Left-Wing Member of His Shadow Cabinet

The UK and Boris Johnson on the Skids

What Trump Continues to Say (About the Plague)

The COVID-19 Lockdown In Rural Virginia

The UK Compared With Other Countries on the Pandemic

What The President Continues To Say (About The Plague)

“Making It Up As They Go Along:” Boris Johnson and COVID-19

What the President Continues to Say (About the Plague)

Boris Johnson’s Recuperation at His Prime Ministerial Country Estate

What the President Continues to Say (About the Plague)

Boris Johnson and COVID-19

What The President Said (About The Plague)

The UK and Covid-19 Crisis

Boris Now Has to Play at Being Serious

The UK’s Part-Time Prime Minister

Time to Think About Hiroshima and Nagasaki Again

The Trump-Modi Lovefest: a Hideous Pseudo-Event

Trump in Modi’s India

Modi’s India

Coded Messages About Australia’s Big Burn

Boris Johnson’s Brexit Got “Done”

BoJo Johnson’s Brexit Fantasies

The “Evolving” Scotty Morrison From Marketing

Politics and Business in Seattle

Australia’s Big Burn and Scotty From Marketing

Labour’s Patriotism Test

The UK Election: a Postmortem

Where Did Labour Go Wrong?

Australia’s Big Smoke

The Tory Election “Campaign” to Date

Labor’s UK General Election Manifesto

Labor and the UK General Election