Jan Oberg

Jan Oberg is director of the Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research in Lund, Sweden.

Trump’s Iran Trap

The Iran Floods and US Sanctions: 10 Million at Risk, But Who Cares?

Present Perverse Priorities Will Undermine the UN Even Further!

NATO’s Crisis and the Trans-Atlantic Conflict

The U.S. Just Declared War on Iran

The New US Syria “Strategy”, a Recipe For Continued Disaster

Why is Google’s Eric Schmidt So Afraid?

Heading Toward Nuclear War: Why?

Trump is Moving Toward War With Iran

Welcome to the Nuclear Denial Party

Trump in Riyadh: an Arab NATO Against Syria and Iran

Security Politics and the Closing of the Open Society

Ukraine as the Border of NATO Expansion

How Did the West Survive a Much Stronger Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact?

The Clintons Celebrated, But Likely a Disaster for the Rest of the World

Why is NATO So Irrational Today?

The Brexit Shock: Now It’s All Up in the Air

Shall the EU Become a Criminal Union Tomorrow?

Can We Give Meaning to Syria’s Destruction?

Behind Every Refugee Stands an Arms Trader

Nobel Peace Prize Watch

What the War on Terror Has Wrought: More Terrorism

Charlie Hebdo and the Wisdom of Expression

What Submarine in Sweden?

Denmark Goes Off to War, For the Fifth Time

Denmark to Go Military in Iraq

Cold War Warnings

Hillary Clinton, Moral Philosopher?

10 Reasons Democracy is in Crisis

The Audacity of Fear

Psycho Politics in an Age of Imperial Decline

De-Escalatation in Ukraine

Sweden, No Longer a Force for Good?

Gore’s Peace Prize

The Political Foundamentalism of George W. Bush

Time for an Intellectual Intifada!

Watching TV in Iraq

Visit Iraq