Bill Hatch

Bill Hatch lives in the Central Valley in California. He is a member of the Revolutionary Poets Brigade of San Francisco. He can be reached at:

Tribes and Greens Rally Against Uranium Mining Near Grand Canyon 

Power to the Patients: the Navajo Nation vs. the Uranium Industry

To a Starving Orphan Who Died Alone in Rubble 

Triumph and Vision: the Tachi Tribe Environmental Protection Agency

Does Clean Energy Mean Native American Relocation From the Colorado Plateau? 

Mattole River Salmon-Welcoming Celebration, 2023

Migrating Shorebirds Ally with Clean Air Activists in the Owens Valley

Weird Days at Black Rock

Polluting the Grand Canyon for “Clean Energy”

Shiva’s Bouncing Ball: the New Push for Uranium Mining

The Elephant on the Banks of the Colorado River

Uncle Sam’s Dams on the Border

“Cumulative Ballparks” and All That: the Colorado River Conflict This Month

The Salton Sump and the Virtual Sea

Survey of the AgroAbsurd

Sharks in the Wave Pool

The Sucker and the Citizen

Pelosi’s Pidgin Propaganda

Remembering John Wesley Powell in a Dry Year 

Absurd Journalism: The Washington Post on California Wildfires

The New Derivatives Market in California Water: Disaster Natural Resources Capitalism at Work

A New Silence

When Justice Delayed Means Extinction: the Case of the Delta Smelt

Downstream Vengeance in California

Out Here in the Sticks

Jerry Brown’s Parable of the Rocking Boat

Rodeo, Then and Now

Water, Extinction and Power Politics in California

Bet Against California … You Can’t Go Wrong

Dairy Industry Goes Down the Tubes

Why Congressman Cardoza Stiffed Michelle Obama

The Mechanic’s Tale

Look on the Bright Side, Dammit!

Take This Shrimp Slayer!

In Praise of Hippies and the Counter-Culture

Irish Politics in Old Time California

A Short Walk into the Valley of Death

Smoking with Arnold

A Plague of Big Shots

Come on Down to Pombozastan!