Jack McCarthy is a writer in Tallahassee, Florida. He can be reached at jackm32301@yahoo.com

The Matt Lauer Flap

Notes of a Fallen Catholic and Fallen JFK Conspiracy Buff

Belafonte in Tallahassee

The Mad Man Theory of Diplomacy

Hitchens in the Dock

Why Florida’s Atrocious Stand-Your-Ground Law Had Little to do With the Murder of Trayvon Martin

Who Killed Andrew Breitbart?

Let Us Now Praise Judith Regan

Horowitz Comes to Tallahassee

Jeb’s Mob: Snatch, Grab, Insert Tube

Buchanan Does a Churchill

It Was All Over When Michael Moore Showed Up

Sexual Politics & Family Values in Jeb’s Florida

Did Maureen Dowd Lift from the Weekly World News?

Where Were You When Reagan Croaked?

Can Camilo Mejia Get a Fair Trial?

Guy’s Our Guy

Veterans for Peace Yanked from Veterans Day Parade

Who Killed Jancita Eagle Deer?

Twin Towers at the Times

Press Ganging Sami Al-Arian

Hitchens and Booze

None Dare Call It Liberal Lottism

Amos King, A Buddhist Warrior on Death Row

A Letter to Christopher Hitchens

Karl Rove’s War

Jeb Bush’s Florida, a Terrorist Haven?

Watergate and All That

Snitch Envy? Hitchens, Brock and Whitaker Chambers

The New York Times, The Washington Post and the Coup Plotters

FSU the Berkeley of the South

Free Noelle Bush!

Bush, Enron and the Pretzel

Hitchens and Walker, the Betray Brothers?

Does Tom Freidman Read the New York Times?

Everything Has Changed

The Turner Diaries and 9/11

The Fate of Reagan’s Freedom Fighters

The Fate of Reagan’s Freedom Fighters

Another Bushin the Bunker?

The Stink In Florida:

Curtains for Jeb?