Who Killed Andrew Breitbart?

Only a couple of days after the repulsive drive by media assassin Andrew Breitbart dropped dead on the sidewalk in front of his house, at least according to his father in-law the actor Orson “Me and the Orgone” Bean, the right wing conspiracy saw is buzzing away.

On the Drudge Report this past Friday the rabid conservative radio host Michael Savage suggested a hit job on Breitbart was entirely possible. The consensus of the budding Who Killed Breitbart? movement suggests that Breitbart was about to release “incriminating” tapes of interviews he conducted in Chicago over dinner with weather overgrounders Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Google Breitbart Dohrn and Ayers and you can see a group photo of Breitbart with the duo.

An article on the conservative World News Daily suggested that we will know if Breitbart was whacked,, most likely by an Obama death squad, if the tapes don’t come out.

If in the matter of Andrew Breitbart it was love and not murder conspiracies  you were craving  MSNBC cable crowd was the place to be. Most emblematic was Keith Olbermann’s replacement Lawrence O’Donnell.

Along with Arianna Huffington, the writer Toure and another guest whose name escapes me, O’Donnell and company shed more tears for the dearly departed Breitbart than they ever did for the victims of Breitbart’s Big Lies such as ACORN and Shirley Sherrod who lost her job at the Agriculture Department after Breitbart released yet another doctored, or “severely edited” tape portraying Sherrod as a black racist.

“Time to put down the sword,” Toure solemnly intoned.

Huffington and O’Donnell absurdly beatified the same man who maligned their respective colleagues, in the case of the Huffington Post,  reporter James Stein, and in the case of MSNBC, take your pick. Better yet, go to Media Matters and see the long list of liberals and progressives slimed by Breitbart. O’Donnell praised Breitbart for never bringing partisanship to social gatherings and always so full of life.

They say Goebbels was great company too, Larry.

My feminist friend Gail Rowland  and I watched in horror as this gaggle of supine liberals heaped praise on the man who would given the chance would destroy them.

A cackling Rowland compared them to abused wives who believe getting hit was a sign of love.

And then she recalled a graphic editorial that appeared in Bob Avakian’s RCP newspaper describing the recently passed Hubert Humphrey as “more rotten alive than dead.”

“My thoughts exactly,” when I heard about Breitbart, she said.

“Frankly I was more upset about the death of the Monkees Davy Jones.”

JACK MCCARTHY holds Florida together pretty much single-handed. He can be reached at jackm32301@yahoo.com


Jack McCarthy is a writer in Tallahassee, Florida. He can be reached at jackm32301@yahoo.com