No One Is More Oppressed Than Children

Social justice has become such a loaded term in the Twenty-Teens. There was a time when only renegades gave a flying fuck about the disenfranchised. Now its been hijacked, in name only, by the state to justify its own malign existence. This leads to far too many reactionary renegades either embracing the state as a solution to the woes it perpetuates or conversely rejecting social justice out of hand. The sad reality here is that this has left many oppressed people without any legitimate advocacy outside of their own embattled tribes. The Civil Rights Movement has been twisted into a distraction from the very class issues that serve as the source of virtually all forms of bigotry and too many class warriors have written off social justice as a whole as some kind of neoliberal vanity project. But people are still fucked for more reasons than class even if class is the foreplay that makes that fucking possible.

Among so-called Social Justice Warriors, the conversation often devolves into a squabble over who gets fucked worst; The blacks or the browns? The trans of the gays? This bickering rarely serves any justifiable purpose but I’m always perplexed by the fact that no one takes the side of the most obvious winner of this dubious distinction. Across the globe, without exception, the most roundly fucked class of people on the planet are children and if that sentence makes you uncomfortable then that’s a start. The fact that this obvious truth is still a total mystery to even the most obsessive compulsive SJW’s only further proves the point. But really think about it, dearest motherfuckers.

Even here in the supposed civil rights bacchanalia of the West, children are afforded all the rights of pets. They are essentially the property of their adult guardians or even worse, the state, if they see fit to interfere in the oppression process. If you are beneath the sacred age of eighteen in this country, you can’t vote, you can’t own property, you can’t work, and you have absolutely zero say in your living situation. The oppression begins at birth with the glorified genital mutilation of circumcision and, even worse, the painful and invasive surgery that defines intersex children’s physical sex before they can even speak. Children are routinely conditioned to be well-behaved cattle, to be seen but not heard. They are instructed to obey adults without question and do as they’re told. Is it any wonder that children are the number one victims of abuse in this country with the lion share of the abuse being dolled out by the very authority figures they’re groomed to obey; Parents, cops, teachers, priests.

In no place is the morally derelict treatment of children more aggressively apparent than the compulsory school system, public or private. Schooling as we know it is a mandatory prison sentence in this country. From four to eighteen, from 8:00 to 4:00, children are told what to say, what to do, where to stand, where to sit, what to think. Everything from their dress to their speech to their diet and bathroom privileges are policed by a cartel of role-crazy power-junkies who’s authority stems almost exclusively from their age and the amount of money they were bilked into squirreling away on a piece of paper printed by another scholastic dictatorship. It’s a gulag archipelago that trains children to memorize numbers, stand in line, and keep their fucking mouths shut, and now authoritarian do-gooders like Elizabeth Warren want to expand this abusive zombification into pre-K and quadruple the warden’s salary? Fuck them. Hey Dems, leave those kids alone!

For the most part, the only people who publicly advocate for children’s rights mostly just advocate to replace their parents with the state as their oppressors. They seek to curtail the sexual violation of young people by further infantilizing them with age of consent laws that deny them of the right to even have a sexuality. Rather than helping students and child laborers alike to unionize and develop their own set of labor rights, they deny them the right to work and incarcerate their education with compulsory schooling. The most prevalent argument against the true liberation of children is that they are simply not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of liberty, but what do you expect when you treat people like fucking pets? How can people speak for themselves when you sow their mouths shut. The idea that children simply aren’t smart enough for their rights is nothing less than ageist bigotry propagated by adults who hold a stake in keeping a class prostrate and malleable, after all, obedient children grow up to become obedient adults.

And who am I to speak on the behalf of these kids? Just another SJW with an ax to grind? Perhaps. But I’m also the survivor of over a decade of emotional and spiritual abuse at the hands of the Catholic Church. From preschool through middle school I was taught by the adult pillars of my community in a small rural Catholic school that my gender identity was a sickness and that to express my soul truthfully would make me undeserving of god’s love, much less anybody else’s. I was brought up to believe my body was a filthy instrument, that I was a pervert and a freak.

For a very long time I remained in denial over my trauma for the simple fact that, unlike many other victims of the Church and adult institutions like it, no one laid a finger on me. But they didn’t need to. They saved themselves the trouble by locking me alone in a closet and supplying me with all the weapons I needed to destroy myself. I still don’t trust adults and I still don’t believe anyone who tells me that they love me. If therapy has taught me anything its that there are many ways to break a child. When you tell an emotionally damaged nine-year old that they’re going to burn in hell forever, the trauma is virtually identical as a child who’s been threatened with murder by an adult. I still have scars you can’t see. They will never heal.

When you’re a survivor of child abuse, part of you will always be that child. When I look real hard in the mirror I can still see that desperately trapped nine year old girl behind the scars, only now she’s not scared anymore, she’s pissed. She’s out for blood, for the scalp of every teacher and priest who violates children with impunity, and every ageist bureaucrat, right up to the Pope himself, who pays lip service to their rights while keeping them in chains. Until children are truly emancipated and given the same rights afforded to any other citizen, they will continue to be fodder for such corrosive institutions, and adults will remain complicit in their subjugation.

Check your privilege SJW’s. Your children are the niggers of the earth and the whip is in your hands. If this post makes you uncomfortable, then that’s a start.

Nicky Reid is an agoraphobic anarcho-genderqueer gonzo blogger from Central Pennsylvania and assistant editor for Attack the System. You can find her online at Exile in Happy Valley.